The All Star Blog Competition: Name Spacefarmer's New Blog

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

As we all know, our dearly beloved Spacefarmer has been robbed of his "Totally Useless Blog" or "TUB." While this has brought out a deep emotional response from many in the WoW community, we must do more than simply sympathize with (or mock) the Spacefarmer. He needs to put up a new site, and by God, he needs our help.

Thus, I throw down the glove and challenge you to a competition: Name that Blog! Will you be the one who creates the name the Spacefarmer will pick? Or will you be publicly humiliated for your pathetic entry? Only time will tell.

Start your submissions!


To be fair, Dr. Murk already started this competition; so his entries should be first:

Dr. R. Murk said...



"SpaceFarmer's FUCKING HACK Blog."


"The Donkey Show: Starring SpaceFarmer!"


"SpaceFarmer's Slightly Less Useless Blog (now with 50% less penis)"

This should be a post in and of itself. Spacey?

"Ass Plugs"
"Rusty Dirt Stars"
"Ass Plugs and Rusty Dirt Stars"
"No more Midol Moments"
"Fuck y'all I'm Going Home"

Anonymous said...

joker time

billboard of alcohol fumes

2nd japan war

holly jolly pantsfire

das scopia

terrible, truly, madly

horatio hornblowers ass attic


sniff the duke

cream cheese puddin'

a locka locka hickey hee (hawaiian spacefarmer's paradise)

meps (mi espirito pu spacefarmer)

hockey dick

rubbersuit studios sucks


pickle me feet, arrrrr

Anonymous Poster
Taint Tasters Anonymous

You can all kiss my useless ass. Especially you, Muck.

I was thinking of "Captain Flak Paperpants' presents: The Cannonball Action Blog" aka: The CAB.

But, whatever. You people all suck. Especially you, Muck.

Oh, and don't forget that I have two Great Uncles who's names appear on the Stanley Cup. But, you fucking people probably don't even know their names. Especially you, Muck.


I wanted to do the GAY4PAY Blog, but Malach already owns that one.

same with the SUX2BME Blog, but Muck owns that one too.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up or I'll check your ass into the wall. You're not worthy of being my Grand Nephew.

Wrong name numbnuts the name is:


I'm sure it is.

"Spacefarmer's Silo of Knowledge"

"The Venutian Plantation"

"Hey, you can still own slaves on Jupiter, get back to work"

(Sticking with the spacefarming theme here)

No, no, no. We must do away with Spacefarmer. So, the winner (who, I ca assure you WILL get a prize mailed to them) will create a new character / identity name and a title for the blog.

Christopher said...

How about Colonel Cockfeather and his Knock First, Tickle Later blog?

And yes, you are the only one who finds you funny.

Captain Feathersword's Porn Review

Whatever, Mucks.

Christopher said...

SpaceFarmer is this guy:

"You think I'm not quick enough. Guy thinks I'm not quick enough. Well I got news for you. I am quick enough!... Cockboy!"

Yeah. That's me.

Christopher said...

Yup. That guy. Right down to it.

Whatever Muches.

Christopher said...

Buy a Guy?

Well, it seems the SpaceFarmer has raised the ante - rename HIM and his BLOG! What will the winning submission be?

I know at least two of you WoWees are waiting for my awful name ideas - but I will continue to tease you.

You are a buffet of manliness.

Oh, wait, I almost just posted them.

Hojo said...

Colonel Ballchomps' Topless Dentistry

Pappy's Old Fashioned Nut Creme

Colonel Ballchomps' Topless Dentistry


Father Patty's Christian Manlove Sex Trade

Of course, as with all internet competitions, the game was rigged. Spacefarmer, er, Captain Flak Paperpants, wins. He will be sending himself a prize in the mail. I hope he enjoys it.

Anonymous said...


Tainted~Love said...

Fumblebumble, Dorkfaceball, Meatcorn, Boneface, Grumblefoofie, Knuckledoodle, Muckhoney, Fudge Packer, Pimp Daddy Caves, Natty Dread .... I could go on but this is a great start. ~winks~

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