The line has been drawn and now the challenge is issued!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Well, as many of you have unfortunately witnessed lately, Dr. Murk and I have had a serious public falling out.

For more reasons than I care to list, our friendship has withered away to dust and now it is time we settle this thing.

No, we're not going to do this "Fight Club style" (lucky for him) we're going to do this the "old fashioned meets the modern internet" way.

Just like the good doctor ordered...


So, Dr. Von Fuckstick, (aka: Murk, aka: Muchs, aka: Fatty, aka: Meatfeet, aka: Spacefarmer's BITCH, aka: Drunky) I accept your challenge!

We will set a date in the near-future to be decided on and formally approved by our wives (don't even pretend like you don't need her express permission because we all know that you do) with the location being at your home office recording studio.

I'll bring the wine the wit. You bring the eats and intelligence.

We'll see who comes out alive and...

...who never comes out at all.


Ohh, can I moderate?


It's him and me.

Tainted~Love said...

BORING!!!! *giggles*

Anonymous said...

As a referee, I'm a bit uncertain as to whether this podcast should take place in person, and especially near any breakable of valuable objects. Also as a referee, I'm afriad for not only my safety, but the safety of the entire world.

I can referee. I am not scared, I like to take a pounding, make me feel alive!

Anonymous said...

now, why didn't my picture show up?

Toyi said...


I see that pussbagg Muchs hasn't even responded yet. WHERE'S MY SCARED LITTLE BOY?!?!! HUH!??!! HUH!?!!? Probably drowning himself in his booze by now.

Aweee... poor widdle mukry wurky is too scawered to commenty. Aweeeeee... poor widdle boozeah.

Christopher said...

*lifts his head from the table and wipes his mouth*


*takes a swig*

Awright, Cap'n. Yoo wanna fite? Yoo gits a fite. Now leemee alon sos I can finich da new prodjekt I'm worggin on...


I show him.,,.,.

I show him, people! Stayck around, you lazy bums!

Drunk. I knew it. So typical. All right, asshole-o-mio. You're mine. IT'S ON.

Christopher said...

Jus name a time and a date...

Preferable not today cuz I'ma lddle buzy, um, busy maeging impordant decisions for Fortune Five Hunred Company today, okay?

Yeah, ok, pal. Something tells me you haven't made any important decisions since... well, I doubt you EVER have.

Ya' drunk bastid.

Yeah, make it like in a few weeks, I got 3 websites to do, a couple of illustrations, one to update, and another client to meet about another.

Sans lack of webcomic updates.

Yeah, becasue it's YOUR schedule that matters, Malickmyballs.

Sorry, don't mean to rock the boat, I just want to see it live. Can I sell tickets?

Christopher said...

I have a second proposal. We spare everyone here at the WoW from having to read us mouth off before the fight. We'll pretend we are best friends until the day before and then we each get one small post describing how we're going to trash each other. Agreed?

I love you, Cap'n Paperpants!

Anonymous said...

Murk, are you CRAZY?
We LOVE watching you two duke it out.
Keep it up! This is better than the WWE!!!



Christopher said...

Wanna go fishing?


Dr. Mantodea said...

So what's it going to be, the sound of slapping and hair pulling?

Christopher said...

How about the sound of a pretend mantis pissing itself?


P.S.: Muchs, I still think your a fat ugly drunk faggot loser fuck.

Christopher said...


*insert evil laugh here*

Anonymous said...

Don't steal my game, you fat bastard!

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