The State of the Nation today is…

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

….Fat. Real Fat. Friggin Obese. Yeah, I’m not talking about a good 12 pack like Murk’s or the Cap’n. I’m not even talking about a case like some others. No, I’m talking about the freaking KEG. People in America are huge. Really, really fat.

We, the nation of consumers, need to start paying attention to what we consume. Yeah, there are some people out there with glandular problems and what not. Those fatties are ok, its not really their fault. But that is a low percentage of the true fatties that take up valuable space in this country. We’ve all seen or know about SuperSize Me, the movie about the guy who eats McDonalds crappy poo 3 meals a day for a month. Brother almost died, and gained massive amounts of weight. There are people in this country who eat like that all the time. Hell, half the food sold in this country doesn’t remotely occur naturally, or barely have any ingredients that aren’t created in a lab. Soda? Freaking Soda? Highly sweetened poison, and fatty fat fat! High Fructose Corn Syrup, a modified beyond belief ingredient that caused more health issues and more fatty fatty fat fat than probably any other. This stuff should have been banned by the FDA, hell, even the EPA, years ago. But, of course, big bizniss loves it, pays less for it, and since this is a country truly run by corporations, they feed it to us all they want. Ever had Chocolate? No, I mean Real Chocolate. I’m not talking about a snickers bar, not even a solid ‘chocolate’ Hershey bar. That is not chocolate, that is a HFCS laden candle with a sprinkle of chocolate flavor. No, I’m not making that up. Stuff is made of WAX. People need to spend a little more time thinking about what they put in their bodies. Hell, you can fertilize a field with the feces of pretty much any animal, and it will grow all happy. Put some Human poo down there, and nothing will grow, and the land will become toxic. Why is that? All the chemical crap we’ve forced down our throats for years.

What got me thinking about this? Joint Replacement. That’s right, this article here on medical joint replacements, hips, knees, you name it. Back in the day, people needed joint replacements due to sports injuries, or brittle bones from old age. That was the overall majority of these surgeries. Not today. Today, at least half, if not two-thirds of all joint replacement surgeries are due to OBESITY. People are so fat, their own bones can’t support them anymore. And, their ‘condition’ leads to more difficult surgeries. I quote: “They appear to suffer more complications during and after surgery, require more costly rehabilitation, and, because of the strength it takes to manipulate their bones, can even create physical risks for surgeons. Heavy patients face increased risks of blood clots, wound infections, and pneumonia, according to studies, causing some surgeons to turn away patients unless they lose weight.”

30% of American’s are considered Obese. 10 years ago, it was 23%.

This is a problem.


Great. Now I want a Big Mac.

Hey, it's just natural selection

i saw that picture on the CAB. You ARE a Big Mac

halleleujah for Natural Selection! When the war comes, we can use them as shields. Hell, we can fix the dams in NO with them!

Hojo said...

Soda contains no fat. At all. Sweetened poison, yes. Hell, I'd even go so far as to say that Coca COla's secret ingredient is Sherley Temple's spinal fluid, but no fat.

As for me, I never considered myself to have a keg. I'm somewhere around a beer truck.

A thin layer of wax helps the Hershey's go down. And it also prevents any shred of nutritional value from being digested. Way to go, Hershey.

I am fat.

Christopher said...

Just stick the tap right here in my belly and...

Christopher said...

Hojo. Excess sugar causes fat. Quit defending soda. It sucks.

Hojo said...

Ah, yes, but it contains NO fat. He said it contained High Furctose Corn Syrup and fat. He was half correct, but the fat is merely a by-product of the corn syrup.

That and the fact that Jones Soda is amazing.

Actually, Hojo, I didn't say Soda contained fat. I called it highly sweetened poinson, and fatty fat fat, meaning it causes people to be fat. Then I said HFCS causes more health issues and fatty fatty fat fat.

nowhere does it say it contains fat.
but, i guess i wasn't that clear.
apologies. now, go drink some water, fatty

Christopher said...

Funny, we all wanted to be fat in the 90's... looks like we got our wish.

Hojo said...

I hate water. It tastes nothing like fatty fat fat.

Christopher said...

Put some surar in it, Doofus! Jeez, what do we have to explain everything????

Toyi said...

la la la I am not fat. la la la I am not fat!

To add to this, I went to my usual lunch spot today, a busy cafeteria style place with tons of food variety. There are only about 6 chairs in the place, high bar seats on one wall. Most people just take their food to go.
Suddenly I hear a crash. I turn to see a girl, who by size I assumed was a chubby 12 year old, pick herself and the chair up. However, she then began to bawl and ran to her big fat Mommy and Daddy, and I saw from her face she couldn't have been older than 8. Then I noticed her big fat older sister, probably about 11, and her big fat younger sister, probably about 5. a whole 5 person family of fatties (don't even get me started about people overbreeding - each couple should only be allowed to produce no more than 2 children, thus keeping our numbers static). And these kids were eating chips and soda. GROSS

Christopher said...

My belly is good luck. Rub it, ya slack jawed rat!

Anonymous said...

I'd like a cup of hot fat and the head of Emelda Marcos.

Last time I rubbed Murk's belly, I had to fight to get my hand back.

not to mention how long it took to wash off the smell.

Christopher said...

That's the sweet smell of success, Hobbs. No wonder it nauseates you.

oh, Murky. YOu so silly. Save your rage for the Captain. I'm just looking to love you, smell and all!

Toyi said...

ewww!! did you place your fist in his belly buttom?

Christopher said...

Um... *smiles* I guess I should not have put the video on You Tube, Hobbs. Looks like Toyota found it.

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