Some Random Shiite

Monday, July 31, 2006

Holy Crap.
Did Metallica get elderly overnight or what? Check out the pic. Jesus almighty. Man these guys don't look good at all. I mean the Stones look better than them. And WTF is up with Lars Ulrich's hair?

Speaking of Metal and Metallica.
[adult swim] is debuting a new show called Death Clock Metalocalypse, Brendon Smalls new show (Home Movies Fame). [as] has been ultra secretive (nothing on their website) about it, and the best info I have found is a Wikipedia article, and a MySpace. The little I have seen it looks freakin' hilarious, and if Home Movies was any indication it will be. Check out the YouTube trailer which is also nuts and made me pee my pants.

It premiers this Sunday at 11:45PM. I can't wait. They preview I saw yesturday is the concert footage from "Do You Like Coffee", and they pour scalding coffee over the crowd, melting their flesh.

I am Malach . . . DO YOU LIKE COFFEE!!!!




FINE!!!! I WILL!!!!!!

Ah Metallica, on the forefront of anti-downloading music (because the became the RIAA's lapdogs) as they weren't rich enough (though i for one agree that illegal downloading of music is wrong on the side of the artist, not the record companies), then fought against legal downloading because the don't want the 'concept of an album' being lost (which i agree with artistically) just put their catalogue on iTunes.

Metallica - where money beats conviction 3 to 1!

I like pants.

They just signed a deal with ITunes. That is where I got the pic from, a CNN article on it.

Toyi said...

I like coffe but I can serve it to myself.

Oh Metallica Sucks I tell you.

Do my dirty work, scapegoat.

Anonymous said...

I... like my mittens.

uh, Malach, that is what i was just saying - put their catalogue on itunes.


they've sucked for years anyways

Finally, someone has combined my love of music, technology, and coffee.

Thank you baby Jesus.

Toyi said...

oh Larch is going bald of thinking how to sue someone.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Meh... I liked Metallica's music, up until their last album, I'll give them one more chance before I stop buying their stuff. Regardless, I still love their older shit, no matter how bad they become when they get old.

As far as anything other than their music goes, I couldn’t give a shit what they think about anything. Call me crazy, but If I want intelligent opinions, I'll look somewhere else other than a heavy metal band.. I can’t get worked up over what any celebrity musician, actor or artist rants about. They are entitled to think what they want and say what they want, but it’s no different than some guy at a pub talking about the Crisis of the Week in the Middle East. They don’t set policy. They are not important, despite what they may think, their opinion doesn’t really matter.

It’s like If my plumber was a ultra conservative Republican, I wouldn’t give a shit as long as he did a good job on my kitchen sink. I don’t make a habit of talking politics with my plumber.

So as long as they thrash well, I’ll listen to their stuff.

Toyi said...

Up to the last album? oh no they sucked since the Black album came up... they peed on everything they have done.

Dr. Mantodea said...

I disagree. I liked the Black album, though it was different. And I liked about half of the next two albums after that (load and reload). And Garage Days is also enjoyable for me.

But the last album, "St. Anger", let me just say that, upon my listening to it in its entirety, I tossed it forcefully on the floor so as to shatter it.

Toyi said...

you know I bought the load in 1996 with my 1st Burger king job paycheck... after I heard it I felt that I had just no knowledge about investment, I donated to charity, I even yelled on the street... "Hey who wants this?" and all I got was my Echo, but I can understand that you like it, basically Metallica stopped filling the taste of some crowds but started filing the tastes for other crowds, is just about tastes basically. In the other hand, I loved Pantera & Sepultura's new album that same year.

Toyi said...

Malach, could you please remove the music of the site so I can hear what the preview says?

lol that guy over there looks like me... but w/o the head movement, BTW I am not good at doing that and playing guitar at the same time... I could knock the flor any time

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