July 2006 Wake Up Call

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hear that? Listen closely... Hear it?

That's the alarm clock of life buzzing, and you've overslept. Hell, we all have. We've refused to wake up and face what's happening around us.

Global Warming
Rampant Inflation
Ballooning Consumer Debt
Political Unrest
Space Exploration
Religious Intolerance
Nuclear Proliferation
700 Calorie Salads
Craig's List
Star Spandangledism
Trophy Wifeism
Paris Hiltonism
Secular Humanism
The Prom
Garbage Day
Corporate Barbarism
Main Stream Socialization
Advertising and Marketing
and Bullshit.

I watch you people... YOU PEOPLE... blame our government, the president, each other, ME, the war in Iraq, religions and anyone or anything else that will keep you numb and hide where the real blame belongs. YOU!

You are a passive participant in this nonsense and it is not enough to type 'I h8te Bush' into your 4 year old computer, or to take sneaky cheap shots at God from your workstation. You are part of the mess. You need to clean up. Not TALK about cleaning up. Not YELL at other people to clean up. Not WHINE about how somebody else made a mess.

This reminds me of when I was a kid and the dog would sh*t on the rug. There were some people that would just pretend they didn't smell sh*t for hours until someone else cleaned it up. Yes, I was the one cleaning the sh*t.

"Bu... bu..., Doctah Murk! Doctah Murk!" you whine (and just by the tone of your voice I can already tell where you're going), "Wha... uh, well, wha are YOOOOUUU doing then? You don do nuttin but type crap into YOUR stupid computer too! Ha! Ha! I got you! I got you!"

Hmmm. You're so busy trying to analyze what I'm doing that you're forgetting the point. What do you give a sh*t what I'm doing??? You're like that loser on the white water rafting trip that stops paddling because he thinks everyone else is dogging it. Don't you get it that we are going to die in poverty and filth if you don't start actually DOING something about it? If we don't start bailing water now, the ship will sink. "Bu... bu... We're sinking!" you yell. No sh*t, Mycroft.

What really disappoints me is that I know a lot of you, and most of you used to be people of action. You used to DO things. Now... well, let's forget the recent past and make an effort for the future.

So, show me what you can do.



Total agreement . . . VOTE MURK AND MALACH in '08

We'll make you lazy ass work

Well, Murk (since your comment on my blog let me know that part of this was directed at me):

Aside from posting to my little blog which it seems a number of people do read, and thus disseminating ideas, what else do I do?

Actively seek out and sign petitions for causes I believe in.

Donate money to causes I believe in.

Do Volunteer work to help causes I believe in.

Go to political rallies for people like Deval Patrick, to support what I believe in.

Meet with people like my state representative, who was not elected by my district, but given to us when that fuckbag Mitt Romney decided to redistrict the city in an effort to fight legalizing gay marriage by giving the heavily gay areas a representative who was not for gay marriage - and I live in a heavily gay area, and a bunch of the gay couples in my area (mostly older, mostly been together for 15 or more years), and they hosted a party where they invited that rep to show her who she was representing and appeal to her humanity, and who was one of the 3 straight people there? Yes, that would be ME.

Theres a few examples of what I do.

So, what do YOU do?

Christopher said...

No no. I'm not interested in listing what I do at this time. You of all people know me well enough to know what I've been doing the last 2 years.

So, you know why I called you out on your blog and directed traffic here. Don't be obtuse. You know perfectly well what I'm doing and how I am doing it.

Don't be like the guy who tells everybody I'm a drunken failure. I've got podcats and blogs and websites and people who would not even be doing this had Malach and I not pushed it.

August is the one year anniversary of Hill TV and Third Option.

What am I doing? Sheesh...

I keep people posting is what I do. I set up people's blog is what I do. I help them get websites is what I do. I pay the bill for all this is what I do.

Then, I give you the chance to tell us what you do, and you do fine until...

What? Do you really hate me enough to be blind? Am I that much under your skin already?

That's what I do, bitch. I irritate people like you into action.

Ahh, the week if bitch slapping begins!

HAHA! You just listed what you do!
See how I manipulate you so easily.

Good, Good.

I do know what you have been doing, and what you are currently doing. And I support it.

but don't go all acting like I do nothing, because we all know that ain't true.

So, who else has the balls to do anything?

Christopher said...

Malach, I love how when I post sonething like this, I get at least six people who think it's directed solely at them.

That, in and of itself, tells you something.

Christopher said...


Again. Don't be a rube. You're not the target of this tirade, just the vehicle. If you take it that personal, then take a walk. You know where the door is.

I'm tired of handling everybody around here with kid gloves. (No Putin jokes please)

oh murk, you're so special.
don't stroke your ego too much.
i know this was directed at EVERYONE, I just wanted to be the first to respond, as we both know what prompted it. Don't try to hide it.

love you, schnookums

Christopher said...

I think I've earned the ego, kid. I've taken so much of a beating to it. Thank God my enemies aren't as ruthless as my friends or I'd be in a mental hospital.

You did not prompt this. CNN did.

Fine, Murk, Fine.
its not me, despite the comment you left at the Greater Good.

but, i will say this, you misjudge. me, i'm smiling, not offended at all.

and i know you murk. you take my statements of love and counter with disbelief.
you twist my words (dont stroke your ego too much doesn't mean you don't deserve one, bitch. stop being so defensive).

we're on the same team, murky poo.

Toyi said...

According to my believes... 1st I look for God, God gives me a peace of mind despite all the cruelty outside, I am not worried about what is happeneing or will be happening in this crap world. All my job here is spread God's world and have people decide if they want eternal life or not...

Toyi said...

I meant God's word not world... sorry.

Christopher said...


So, we should let people suffer as long as we believe in God? We should have faith that their suffering is part of God's plan?

I can't wait until God asks you why you didn't help out your fellow humans and you say, "Oh, I thought you were going to take care of that!"

This is exactly the type of pass the buck attitude that has gotten us to where we are now.

Toyi said...

stupid blog, it didn't post my comment, now I have to go re write everything.

I never said I would never help someone...
is just that my concept of "Help" is different from yours...

I can feed 10 or hundreds of people, but Toyi she really helped if she gained somebody for the Lord.
I can give fish for a crowd and is not bad but for us Christians, demands from the Lord are far more deeper.
We are here to secure people for after life, cause world Caput, gone, nada...

The Lord gives peace of mind for those who trust him, I can be in the middle of all that list but I am not worried cause my faith or security does not lie in there.

Christopher said...

You are secure in this knowledge? Then you should be working twice as hard to help in this life and into the next.

I just like to watch . . .

Toyi said...

why do I have to say stuff twice Murk.. are you retarded?
I said when you trust the Lord you get a peace of mind... and I mean now...
My work, I also told you before do you want me to repeat again, man I have covered everything what is your problem? That I am not voting for you? lol

Dr. Mantodea said...

Do you want a hug Murk? C'mere.

Maybe a backrub? Anything more will cost you.

The Angry Piper said...

You're all whores!

Christopher said...

Dr. M.

No. I want organized resistance. I want action. All you people do is talk your big liberal/conservative issues.

Let's go close down a political forum or full out spam CNN with our views. Or make a documentary on how stupid all Americans from any political party are and then chastise them for their apathy.

I'll organize it if you want and do the grunt work (again) if you want.

I just think with a readership of close to 700 people, we could start mobilizing...

Dr. Mantodea said...


I shall consume some alcohol and ruminate about your vigorously quixotic rambling.

The time is NOW, kiddies. He's not kidding. If we have that many people, we really need to get to work here!

Christopher said...

Cervantes told us that to follow a dream is the noblest endeavor, no matter how futile. I'll take the quixotic comment as a compliment.

I'd rather be a dreamer that lost in a sea with no hope or ambition. Not that you are Dr. M. Not at all. But some who read this might be tempted to see the whole thing as kinda pie in the sky.


'Retarded' people are beautiful people. I'm glad your Christian sensibility considers them an insulting, inferior sort of people to be associated. I've met some wonderful people (though Malach work and social betterment activities that can see right through a religious biggot like you AND give a heartfelt hug that would melt even your icy, self righteous heart.

Thank you. If I am 'retarded', I am blessed compared to you. You insensitive phony.

I know Superstar does not read this, but I bet if she did, she'd give you a little insight in to how wonderful people of all metal abilities can be.

Christopher said...

#than... not that.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you kids behave while I'm away?

Christopher said...


Toyi said...

Well the word retarded for somebody that is retarded is a normal word, but for you that are not considered retarded is supposed to be an insult yes...

So what?? a Handycaped is not a handycapped? is that supposed to be an insult?

Toyi said...

calling a bitch "Bitch" is an insult? hello???? use a better psycology... you grabbed that from Malach

Toyi said...

Just shut up winnie baby cause I am a Handycapped right now I had a surgery, I feel cranky.. and see I don't feel this is an insult to me cause is true...probably we can say that is an insult for the retarded that I actually compared you to them.

Christopher said...

Where did I say "bitch"? Learn to read.

You are ignorant. People do not use the word 'retarded' anymore to discribe those with developmental problems.

Other words that are now offensive:

the n word

Words that were at one time okay to use sometimes become insults.

You are not handicapped. You are injured. You have no permanent injury. Oh, and hadicaped is a borderline insult now too.

You talk about love and peace and God. Hmmm. Lots of peace you give off when called to task.

The Angry Piper said...

Whores! All a'ya!!!

Toyi said...
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Toyi said...

I was giving you examples.. Murk you idiot cause you are! (Is that word better)

Retarded is a very comon word used in Spanish for retarded like you (we call retarded to those we need to explain more than once), all you need to do is apply it to yourself,, if you don't is fine I did apply it to you anyways...
I don't care if other words offend you, that is the purpose "COMALITO". lol

Christopher said...

Why don't you just start calling people niggers then? Sorry, guys, but I'm proving a point. If she wants to be ignorant, let's see how ignorant she is, eh?

I think if you called me a nigger, that people here would get EXTREMELY OFFENDED. Calling someone retarded is just as offensive to people with any sort of mental challenges. It's not that you offend me, per se, but you offend an entire segment of the population of the world and anyone who knows them.

It's ignorant toyi, admit it. It's biggoted and ignorant. That word might be acceptable in spanish but not in English, concha.

Nada said...

Murk, you know Toyi is not a native English speaker, and therefore she may not be as familiar with the offensiveness of given terms in our vernacular as you.

And lets be honest, you or anyone else around here hasn't exactly been PC upto this point. Plenty of pejorative terms have been thrown without folks being called on it.

Toyi said...

Thanks Owen, we have to admit that Murk has something called feminine hormones...
He also forget that I live in a free country...

And you Murk Before you call a bilingual ignorant please learn a second language at least, My nephew knows more than you about biculture... You mean to change the world? then do something as speak and understand another cultures.
Zero Votes for Murk!!!

Christopher said...


Can't I ever instigate an arguement without some crypants telling me to lay off?

I know she's not a native English speaker. I corrected her. She accused me of calling her a bitch and said she didn't care who she offended (which I admire) and then made a bunch of lame excuses and praised Jesus.

I have no problem with her difficulties with our language. That's fine. I have a problem with everything being about God, how she's right because she knows the right way for everything to be and how she constantly offers her 2 cents on every topic. THAT'S MY FUCKING JOB!

Toyi knows I taunt everyone equally. I was the devil's advocate until he fired my obnoxious ass. (It's a figure of speech, dear, I didn't work for the Devil... directly)

Christopher said...

Toyi, silly!

Come on!

Oh, and I write and read Japanese fluently, I have a Vietnamese wife and am 1/8 Native American. I've studied a broad (no, wait, abroad) and I watch foreign films and played guitar and sang in a Latin biligual band.

Oh! Oh!

Christopher said...

Most of you don't know but Dr. Murk is really not Dr. Murk and nothing he says is as it seems.

Unfortunately, most of you actually are the pathetic people you say you are.

I'm just a fart in the wind.

I'm a publicity stunt.

I'm a reason to post angry and post hard for most people.

I'm bait in a trap and when the jaws shut, you'll all be glad I went hunting for you.

Toyi said...

Murk OMG I never said you called me bitch, I said in my next post that I was using that as an example of why somebody will get mad for something that is true.

as of your angry posts, I just poosted my opinion and you didn't like it and there yu started your stupid rant, you are not the only one, you also have a brother. I can never post my opinion seriously and have you too stay out of it, its annoying.

Oh yeah yeah people don't know how to reach, man after 2 or 3 years on this attitude is in my allownce to get pissed and tired.

Christopher said...

Take a step back and breathe.

1. You're just a character on a blog.
2. Only 500 people read this blog and they usually skip the comments.
3. You are not the only one we've driven into a fury.
4. Your opinion is up for scrutiny as soon as you offer it.
5. I catch WAY MORE shit than you do here.

We're just having fun.

If it's not fun for you or if you seriously think we're being disrespectful, take a break.

For crying out loud, if we didn't value your input we'd delete your comments and ban you.

It's entertainment. If you're hurt, sorry, but that's how it goes.

You know, screw this.

I'm just going to tell everyone how great and smart they are and we'll go to a rainbow theme here and serve ice cream and call the "The Wand of Care".

I'm going to bed. You people are too sensitive...

Dr. Mantodea said...

Uh... You haven't told me how great and smart I am yet, fucker.

Come back here, DAMN YOU!!!


Toyi said...
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Toyi said...

Oh I have no problem with anyone else here cause nobody here cross the F limits with me as you do, I don't mind a post or few but is annoying when comes from the same stupid administrators in which they can't ban themselves from.

If My God annoys you and that is the reason you take to F on me, what is supposdly your "Fair Blog" and just becaiuse you are amd I need to take it from you? go F yourself in the name of your blog and your fairness.

I am gone!

Christopher said...

No. No you're not.

Please just email Malach or me at hex2323@yahoo.com

There's no anger here. Just email me and I can explain.

Or, don't.

I think you've misunderstood.

Toyi said...

Oh I do speak english believe me, I though any blog was to put our 2 cents, mine annoys you...what I am suppose to do? not post at all is the only answer.
Look I got invited here by Malach, I understand we all put our points of views, believe since I got here I have been extremely to my limits because even if it says "it doesn't matter no sensibility" I still have something called respet and I do try hard to post as best as my language allow me to. What I post is what I believe, if sounds perfect or not is my conviction, I am not here to sound less perfect or not, I am here just to post what I believe is right as you do and all do.

Toyi, just to throw in, a big part of WOW is social debate. We just cut out any pleasantries and get right to the debate. If you read back, Murk questioned your religious comment, you countered, and Murk followed with a call to arms, that didn't seem insulting at all. Then you called him retarded.

We all get sensitive sometimes. I've even seen Murk do it.

but stop taking offense. Debate your religion, prove your point, but don't get pissed if others debate back and don't agree.

Toyi said...

Retarded is not a strong word for spanish...

Please don't call me religios cause I am not religios, his problem is not with my God his problem is with me and I only have to back fire for him to shield in my believes, that is mama;s cry.

I didn't call you religious, Toyi. I said you made a religious comment and that you have religion, at least from your comment, last i checked faith in God is religion.

Just because retarded isn't a strong word in spanish doesn't mean you shouldn't think before using it. Its still offensive to some. while i think we give words too much power, i don't call people retards or fags or niggers, cuz you just shouldn't.

Toyi said...

God doesn't equal religios..

For everything else, Hobbs don't try please to tell me that poor Murk...he is no Angel, we just clash with each other don't pull that he got offended cause that is just crap and you know it.

Christopher said...

This is stupid.

1. I was NOT offended. I said that the word itself was OFFENSIVE to others. You want to use it, fine.

2. I don't clash with you Toyi. I clash with everybody and I do it intentionally because that's who Dr. Murk is. It has NOTHING to do with you.

3. I am an angel. An angel of sex.

4. You have yet to offend me or make me 'mama's cry'. Just the opposite. I'm the one who pissed you off.

5. I've reconsidered. We've invited you here and we like you here, but if you're too sensitive to take my insults, you can leave and I won't even try to hold you back.

I insult everybody. I do it on purpose. Why should you be any different?

Toyi said...

Why should you be any different?

Because I am sweet mama that is why, a sweet mama with some sour favor lol

I took your post,but Hobbs brought it up again, at some point he was trying to cool the situation.

Time out kids....

I do know by reading Malach's blog that the word "retard" is an offensive word to him and his family as he, superstar and Murk directly work with or have worked with folks who have mental and physical disabilities. And there are plenty of an american fool who use "retard" to define those with disibilites and those who do not as a means to be insulting. Now if you had a child who was infact under developed, you would probably find that word as insulting but due to your lack of empathy (and I attribute it to your culture since you blamed it on them rather then taking credit for your own actions WHICH WAS THE POINT OF THE BLOG TO BEGIN WITH), you don't seem to have the same tact or respect.

Now to be fair, I will define retard. Retard by definition in the English dictionary means to subdue, hold down, or slow down. To delay progress. Retarded is the effect of being slowed down, under developed or to be physically, mentally or emotionally challenged. And if you look it up online @ Encarta you will see this "(often considered offensive)"

Now to point out the Jesus factor. Is insulting a person who is engaging in a debate over your points of view acting in the way that Jesus would? Would Jesus call you or anyone else "Retarded" out of frustration? No. Practice what you preach.

You're not staying on topic. You wanted to instigate a debate on doing something for the world and how there is so much talk yet no action. Yet, all you are doing is talking!! Either debate the issue of how it bothered you that Toyi believes suffering is a justifyable Christian means of life or SHUT UP!! :P

I'm going to go back to work. *hugs and kisses to all of you*

Christopher said...

I was just having fun, mom! :(

*goes to the corner and waits for no supper*

Whatever Muchhsheyysuus.

My widdle-weeble-wobble-doctor-doo! Have a cookie and everything will be fine.

And Toyi can have some jello cause she has a boo-boo....or maybe even some ice cream.

Toyi said...

I take the Ice cream cause I had oral surgery yesterday, at least my lip swelling is gone, now I only have cheeck swelling.

Wow, 57 comments and the Cap'n is hardly in any of them.

Christopher said...

I LOVE YOU MALACH!!! I love everyone here on the rainbow blog!

Shut the fuck up, Malickmyasshole.

Toyi said...

o c'mon you love rainbows anyways...
I also love rainbows is an ancient promise okay... kiss kiss...

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