It's a Freaking Horse!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Can anyone tell me why this is front page news? All over the news sites every damn day? Ok, fine, its a big race winning horse. And I love animals, really I do. But with everything going on in the world, is this really news? REALLY? WTF. Sorry, but I just don't see it.


1. Rich people love this story.
2. Barbaro is the key to peace in the middle east, if he dies . .


and North Korea

but, he'll only feed a few of them. i don't get it

Christopher said...

New does not exist to serve you, Hobbs. It serves corporate America. Barbaro is awesome!!! WE LOVE YOU BARBARO!!!! RIP!!!!

What? Well kill the damn thing already....

Who's this "new" character that you speak of, Murruksll;s?

Tainted~Love said...

I agree with you but I don't have a why. Around my parts there are so many people rapped up in this story. Who knows?

Nada said...

Arthur: "Everything dies, Tick."
The Tick: "Even horses?"
Arthur: "Yes Tick, even horses."

If you are a animal lover, you should be all up in arms about horse racing/

i am. i am massively against horse racing. all these news articles are about are people hoping the horse will get better so he can race again.
they're not concerned about the horse, they're concerned about the betting.

Christopher said...

Um, no Hobbs. When Barabaro fell, everyone knew he would never race again. They even said they were tring to save him even though he would never race again. Don't make shit up to prove your point.

That's my job.

please murk, they just want him to live so they can stud him out and get his offspring to race
its still all about the betting

i'm the conspiracy master, remember?

Christopher said...


Yeah, poor horse... Has to get laid all the time. Where is the compassion in that!

Toyi said...

I hope the horse read all that and get well lol

Hey, I'm all for the horse getting medical treatment and being studded out!
I am questioning the motives of why its front page news.

keep up, murky my boy.

you're falling behind!

Christopher said...

Shut up asshole. Like you set the pace for me. You're the squirt that got past diaphragm, kid.

dontcha love how Murky gets all defensive like when you catch a sign of weakness!

c'mere cuddles, i wanna rub that fuzzy belly!

Christopher said...

You're right. When I see a sign of your weakness, I get pissed. I can admit that.

who's the grade school insult slinger now?

i know you are but what am i?
i know you are but what am i?

that's it, i'm going to lay down some raspberries on your belly, Putin style!

Christopher said...

Hobbs says,

"who's the grade school insult slinger now?

i know you are but what am i?
i know you are but what am i?"

Um, that's not what I said. You are lame and you make stuff up, I guess... don't you know other people can read this? They see through your lies Hobbs.

Christopher said...


Oh, Murk. Some of us have the ability to see the conceptual meaning behind the words, not just the words themselves.

Someday, when you get your real education, you'll understand.
i promise

gee, i wish my elementary school gave out 'phd's like yours did!

Christopher said...

Yeah, yours only gave out candy and those beanie hats they put on the remedial class kids.

Make any nice birdhouses lately?

S Y S D!!!

Christopher said...

Conceptual wha wha? Point to any college level text book that talks about "conceptual meaning" behind words. You made that phrase up and would be LAUGHED out of any college in America if you used it in a classroom setting.

You just make stuff up. Is your name Jesse?

con·cep·tu·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-spch-l)
Of or relating to concepts or mental conception: conceptual discussions that antedated development of the new product.
Of or relating to conceptualism.

You see, Murk, words (which are made of things called symbols) are used to describe things and concepts. Thus, there are concepts behind your words.

i won't get into any more detail, i'm not sure you can handle it.

Christopher said...

Look, freakshow...

The word conceptual exists. I never questioned that. The phrase "conceptual meaning" is made up. In fact, it's borderline redundant, repetatively so.

Were you kicked off the debate team or something?

Dr. Mantodea said...

Someone here want to tell me why horse racing is some awful abomination now? Or should I just assume that this is the influence of the PETA “animals shouldn’t be used for anything!” meme farm?

If you want to get all outraged over an industry, you need look no farther than greyhound racing. Unlike the horses, they do treat the dogs pretty damn badly.

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