Toyi's war experience Chapter VI

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

1st please read this

Okay coming back to that tight night in the safe room, we stayed there for the next 3 days, helicopters were flying really low releasing bombs, it was horrible to feel the earthquake when the bombs landed, it was horrible to feel a helicopter flying above us because we couldn’t see if they were releasing a bomb on top of our heads, we had no windows, there was a weird feeling when helicopters were speeding & flying low, yes their vibration was very strong and as a kid I felt my heart shaking as much as the house material. We were ordered to stick to the walls as much as we could and never close to a door. How we ate? Always the 1st food to go was whatever was in the fridge because is obvious that during a bombing what goes out first is electricity, and electricity comes back only after repairs are made and obviously electricians will not fix anything unless the shoot out is completely done… (And believe me, shoot outs would go on for days and days man) after anything in the fridge is done then my granny would come out and set the mud stove quicker put to boil some bean soup in an “olla" And come back inside the room, then she would be checking by time, there we would have at least meal for 2 days because ollas have a big capacity, so how the food inside the olla lasts for 2 days w/o spoiling? Well easy after the food is finished cooking, we take out our portions… by the end of the day after the last table spoon the olla is set to boil again, so next day we are able to eat again from it and expect it to be alright. Oh yeah were we bored with the food, of course but honestly there was little we could do, there was nothing else to cry for lol. There was always a jeopardy cooking because of the smoke, and that was the reason why the mud stove was far away from our staying/guarding room, helicopters were very particular about smoke coming up from homes, we could create a madness and get a free bomb in return. Lol
Well what was grandpa doing? Oh I tell you I always thought Grandpa was some sort of evil scientist, he was very smart and I can’t remember a challenge that he never surpassed, Well you can figure out that he had already some batteries to put on his favorite pocket radio and look for “Venceremos” Radio station just to find some news about location of Military, he would’ve love to find out about guerrillas locations too but Venceremos would never jeopardize their people by announcing were they were hiding (lol believe me this is not US media), places being bombed etc, etc. And of course if batteries were too low; he would charge them (Somehow, don’t ask me) cause I was 6 years old and all I saw was him running away dissembling something else and then coming back with those batteries fully charged. He was very cool, the only thing that kept me prevented from hugging him carefree… was that little cigarette that got on my skin few times (and hurt as hell, well accidentally but hurt anyway).
I Oh I can’t forget about a “Nica” lol that was basically a pot to crap in it during night time. (Believe it or not that was very important, because shoot outs always create flying bullets and you don't really want to be out side and get hit by one of those while you are crapping eh eh)
If there was something I was grateful to be a child was to avoid cleaning that up by early morning. Eh eh. And of course most of the times was one of our aunts that had to go out make a hole in the ground and bury family's crap, 'cause there was no running water and would be a bad idea to flush the toilet (“cause the tank wouldn’t re fill as you might figure. FYI (If there is no electricity, there is no running water) and we would never use our reserve water for something that wouldn’t be drinking it.


Hail Satan!

Toyi said...

man this was buried like in few hours lol

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