Capital Punishment

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Is it right to kill a man who killed a man?

I have no freaking clue.

All I know is one thing. Some people think that it's okay to have an abortion. Some people think it's okay to sentence a man to death for a crime. Some people think its okay to kill thousands in the name of God (by whatever name).

What I do know is this.

I would never kill anyone...

Unless they pissed me off or hurt someone I knew. Then... dead.

Or, maybe if I was in a war or an unlitmate fighter match.

Or, just to see what it felt like.

Actually, forget the whole thing. I'd pretty much snap your neck for a chicken wing.

Then, I'd burn your house down and tell your children there was no Santa Claus.

I swear I set out to solve this whole issue when I started, but I kinda got lost at the killing people part.


Here is my argument against capital punishment.

1. The US is the one of the only 1st world countries that practive it.
2. All statistics show capital punishment does nothing to reduce crime.

Now, I do feel their are exceptions. In cases of extreme war crimes or human rights violation by a government . . . ex: I would have no problem is Hitler were sentenced to death.

As for insane serial killers . .. I suppose that is fine. Someone like Jeffery Dhamer has no hope of rehab.

Nada said...

The major argument against capital punishment is the cold hard fact that people in all walks of life make mistakes and professional incompetence knows no bounds. Therefore, it is entirely too likely that someone who is innocent will be put to death because of the mistakes of those in the criminal justice system.

No society, that can honestly call itself just, kills an innocent person out of a misplaced thirst for revenge (because lets be honest, that’s what he death penalty is all about; state sponsored revenge).

Hojo said...

There's no negative for called shot: lethal injection, and it's unfair because the criminal is unarmored and restrained, giving them zero protection against the attack. The government basically uses loaded dice.

Toyi said...

I wouldn't kill anyone unless is on self defense (I guess, lol I am not even sure about that one).

I wouldn't kill anyone in revenge (because they killed my family or something) forgiveness comes before anger. (Is a sin to be mad did you know?)
a mad person is reckless in everything cause they are not thinking , they are feeling.

I think it funny that people that support Capital Punishment don't support abortion and vice versa.


Toyi said...

I support neither.

not to sound heartless, but there are over 6 billion people in the world. And each one has as much of a right to life as a squirrel. But sometimes, squirrels get run over. And sometimes people die.
I've struggled with the idea of the death penalty for years. Overall, i support it, but its hard, because you don't want innocent people getting killed that way. So, i support it when there is no doubt, but really, who can say that? I'll just say, i'm not against it.

Snap my fingers, snap your neck....

I don't think death is a solution to resolving crime. However, it is obvious that many people are not concerned with the consequences for their criminal actions and that needs to change. I suggest torture.

Anonymous said...

Jeeez, what a heartless bunch!

hobbs von wackamole: as you rightly point out, you can never really be sure if everyone on death row are guilty, but basically you just say don't give a damn. That's cynical.

just me: I am hoping that is a joke! You suggest torture! What good is that going to do?

malach the merciless: grave inconsistency in your comment: you are against capital punishment but "it's fine" if they are insane? What kind of logic is that?

Christopher said...


Welcome to the WoW. As one of the founders let me be the first to give you a heartfelt "Fuck You".

Also, please tell us your nationality so that we can post some sort of slur.

No no. Don't resist. It is tradition.

Can I get some backup on this?

Seriously, though. Most of this I think was tongue in cheek.

Anonymous said...

I see :-) The irony went right over my head. There are some far-out opinions out there, so I was preparing myself for war. And I am Norwegian, so go ahead with all your Minnesotan jokes. :-)

Christopher said...

Go make a fondue you ski kissing blondie.

That's the best I got right now.

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