You "LOST" Me

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The season premiere of LOST was disappointing. I won't spoil it for those that haven't seen. Here's my critique without any details:

You know when Chris Carter lost control of the plot of X-Files and he just started throwing weird shit together and adding more tension and no resolution just to keep people coming back? Remember that?

Yeah, that's what LOST has now become. A gimmicky conspiracy show with characters that are almost cardboard cutouts of themselves.

Will I continue to watch? *Captain Shout* HELL YEAH! Why? Because there's always hope that they'll drag this thing back on track over the next 20 or so episodes, or at the very least, I'll finally get to see Sayid REALLY duck someone up.

Who watched it????

And, big thumbs up to the latest episode of Heroes. So dark and gory!!!! Love it. Like Xmen on LSD!!!


Don't care, don't watch it.

Toyi said...

X-files... lol is that thing still running? OMG

I think I might have to take advantage of the confidential plot overview and outline that I was offered to read here at work (we work with ABC on The LOST Experience Alternate Reality Game.) I turned down the offer before because I didn't want to ruin it for me, but I... I think I need to read it now.

i must disagree. perhaps I am naive, but i don't feel like they're doing the same thing as the x-files, or at least, they've been doing that from the start. They've got about 5 things set up, and as we move into season 3, they elaborate on hopefully all of them. I was not disappointed at all, except for the possibility of a lack of the supernatural.
i still love it.

and yes, heroes kicks arse!

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