What the heck is going on?????

Monday, October 02, 2006

oh this is enough man


Murk and Malach do not promote the wholesale killing of the Amish in '08!

Toyi said...

oh now kids will be forced to home schooling?

Read "Femicide" and it has a good discussion of what is going on.

You think that someone would shoot up a Amish school in the Amish spirit, like with a slingshot or something.

Oh Toyi, your poor Christian brothers.

So is this a record or something? 3 School Shootings in like 7 days?

Toyi said...

Actualy my post was oriented towarss your 3rd statement and not the second one...

Well Amish girls are cute, have you seen their faces? they shine like heaven man. Or are you from the Chemical taste team?

Tainted~Love said...

It saddens me to hear what happen in that small Amish town.

There are too many bad people out there. My heart goes out to the people that put up with them on a daily basis.

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