One More Reason to be a Proud American

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Isn't this amazing...

1. Fuck around and do nothing about threats you were warmed about by your own intelligence agencies, thus being caught flat footed on 9-11

2. Start war under false pretense, get thousands of people killed, ruin beyond immediate repair our international relations with just about everyone. Not to mention squander the international goodwill we were given by just about everyone in the wake of 9-11.

3. Totally botch post-war, and create a breeding ground for generations of terrorists, and over extend our military so much that we are practically toothless to countries like Iran.

4. Completely cock-up the response to the Katrina disaster, and cleanup.

5. Take away habeas corpus in the name of “protecting us”.

6. Become the most corrupt politcal party in living memmory.

All of that, and the Republican machine keeps chugging strong… Oh, but wait;

Lucky Number 7; Congressman reveals that he is a pervy perv, and made some teenagers a bit uncomfortable with inappropriate e-mails and Instant msgs, and it was covered up by others (probably because they have equally pervy shit in their closets…)

And all of a sudden, they are scrambling like mad. Their whole ship could actually conceivably sink because of this one scandal.

Rest of World, let me present to you American Politics; We don’t let important shit derail our political parties, just stuff that squicks us out.

Our electorate base their decision making processes about who they vote for just like they were still in high school.

We get the government we deserve, or rather I should say, YOU assholes do, I didn’t vote for any of these fucking chumps.



What happend to the image?

The Angry Piper said...

We totally need to have you on a serious podcast, Mantis.

Anonymous said...

Um, not my fault. I just run the serious part of the government. Not the fake puppet show you watch.

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