The American Electorate Are The Real Traitors.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Murk's post about the nonesense that is U.S. politics shows how it's easy to pontificate about how we need better politicians who are not a member of either of the two big parties, but for those of you who persist in this dream, I'll just say that you're all as screwed as a nun in a prison movie. You're screwed because the only way for elected officials to stop pandering to the special interests and playing the public for a bunch of rubes is for the public to actually take their responsibility as citizens in a representative democratic republic seriously. In other words you will never see your government clean its act up as long as your neighbors are such traitors.

Why are they traitors? because they willfully shirk their duty as voters and put people into office time an time again who are not qualified for postions tha are vital to our national security and national prosperity.

Why do the politicians follow the money? Because in order to hammer their message into the thick skulls of the barely aware electorate they need to spend millions on media advertising blitzes, and advertising has to use simple, neatly packaged rhetoric to penetrate. (That message being "Elect me, I'm swell! Or more often "Elect me, 'cuz the other guy is a cock!") So no issue will ever get the intelligent approach it deserves as long as the only way to talk about it publicly follows the same rules for advertising that are used to sell sneakers.

Why do politicians fixate on meaningless wedge issues while ignoring the things that actually matter to the daily lives of people? (You know.... like Gay Marriage?) Because the electorate are childish in their thinking, they don't bother to approach civics like an adult. The only issues that get any traction with the majority of voters are these hot-button, emotional, but ultimately meaningless, propaganda topics. The fact that you can get votes just by saying you will lower taxes without actually have to outline in minute detail how you will work that into the governing budget, is a prime example of how stupid and uninterested the voting public is.

It's easy to blame the politicians for being the wretched scum sucking child molesting bunch that they are, but the electorate are the ones who keep leaving the chicken coop doors open for the foxes (weasels is more appropriate), the electorate are the ones who keep listening to the loudest most obnoxious voices, while never expending any effort to actually find qualified candidates. Candidates who might not be the most dynamic personalities but might actually be qualified to make decision on our behalf that are intelligent. It's the electorate that keeps falling for the same shit every two years, and they don't care! They are like a mother who keeps dating convicted sex offenders and doesn't bother to think of the risk to her kids.

"I've been dating Rocco for a month. Sure he just got out of prison for fondling a 13 year old, but he did his time and said he was reformed, and so I see no reason not to trust him with my 12 year old daughter while I go out with my girlfriends."

Americans have the government they deserve because they are chumps who deserve to be used and taken advantage of by con man politicians. For all I care, until they start actually paying attention and taking their responsibility as citizens seriously, they can keep dying in pointless wars, keep watching their kids grow up stupid, keep breathing bad air, eating shitty food, and barely scratch out a living in what is laughably called the American Middle Class. They deserve to languish in suburban misery because every single one of them who voted for some slimeball based only on the information they got from campaign commercials and what the TV news told them is a traitor to the United States.

And hangin's too good for traitors.


Christopher said...

Ummmm, the difference between my post and yours is mine is just a joke.

In the future, please refer to my posts as 'jocular' or 'hillarious'.

Murk and Malach in '08!!!!
"We're not joking."

Most of the voting public ain't to bright.

Christopher said...

I vot Mantodea "Secretary of Deffensive" or maybe "Chief of Homeland Insecurity". HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Toyi said...

the 2 of you make one? oh man that is sort of lame o-0

Toyi can be Secretary of Whine.

Toyi said...


Dr. Mantodea said...

Dr Murk, everything you say is a joke, so what else is new?

I merely used your post as an excuse to vent, don't read too much into that, because you'll start getting delusions that your thoughts written here actually matter to me.

Dr. Mantoad, i could kiss you for this post, if you weren't a mantis.

Toyi said...

^ oh yeah you will probably will end up eating his head lol

Christopher said...

*pushing buttons*

Christopher said...

*Mantis Dances*

Dr. Mantodea said...

Really? Gosh your right, I’m enthralled to your will. I'm but a puppet to the mighty mouth of Murk.

Damn, my whole life is a lie.

You write a post and I respond, and then you respond and then I respond. Clearly that shows it is you who is the Prime Mover.

It couldn't possibly be that you are the one who must whip out your conservative manhood whenever I post something. Couldn't be I who caused you to have a conniption fit with the “Symbol Minded are Simple Minded”, or the “This Hole in the Ground” posts.


Couldn’t be your inability to handle people harping on 9-11 that caused you to just BAN the topic for a while because you just couldn’t let people have their say without you almost having a stroke.

Christ, all I have to do is start a post about either 9-11 or slapping flag happy patriotism in the face and you start screeching shrilly like I shoved my dick in your ass while wearing a thorn covered condom.

You are truly the master at self control and manipulation of others.

I bow to you, Your Smugness.

Christopher said...

Reactionary dribble again, old bean! You're still reliving those old nightmares of my verbal lashing, eh?

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