
Thursday, October 19, 2006

A fanfiction by Choas

We know not of the year. All time was discarded during the Revolution. All we know is that the rebels won. This all happened before I was born. 5 years to the date of the elimination of the old government. March 17, 2010 was when the world changed forever. Before the Great War, there were 7 billion people. There is only 50 million now. Only the Western hemisphere exists now, except the thousands of islands of islands that are debris after Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia were reduced to rubble. And we thought the threat of a take over by that race was ended with him being stopped…..

The Revolution was started by one man, the one who we thought was powerless after that battle over the Leech. He fooled us all, we thought he was powerless after a great coup de grace that left his army scattered and dismayed. At first they were right. He was left powerless, his vast powers depleted. But he recovered, and his powers grew to unfathomable levels. He has been called the reincarnation of Hitler. But unlike Hitler, he had succeeded in his mass genocide. He has always believed his race was dominant. And from what he accomplished, he has unmistakably proven his belief. The lord of all that is live and dead is named………………………………………………………...….Magneto.

My father was a mighty general of Magneto’s army. I’ve never known is human name, but his mutant name is known by everyone, he’s almost infamous as Magneto himself. He is the Juggernaut. His mutant power is that he is invulnerable of the body.He could not be harmed or even feel pain. His momentum in battle made him impossible to beat physically in anyway. He could get no sickness. He did not age and he donned a helmet that made his mind invulnerable too and was created by Magneto himself. He could ricochet a rocket and be completely unharmed, but his confidence and ego grew to levels larger than Magneto’s powers. There was no surprise, he was the rebel’s hero. He had become royalty. And so had I. Magneto had no children, so my father was next in line. But he was killed in his sleep when I was 3. He had became so arrogant, that he no longer worn his helmet, and was assassinated by a member of a group to bring down Magneto. They were stopped hours after his death.

I was born 17 years ago. The woman who bore me was born with mutant powers, but they were housemaid powers and were weak and useless. She lived till I was 10, she kept herself alive only to raise me, and when I left for Magneto’s army, she committed suicide. I did not mourn her, it was only a matter of time. But, my mother’s weakness had not been passed on to me. My powers are said to be a essential in keeping up Magneto’s reign, and that I would be a better heir to the throne than his deceased father.

My mutant powers aren’t all that powerful. They are more convenient than anything. I have complete control of an alternate dimension that is a complete void. With a simple push or slap of my hand, I can teleport anything to the void, and it stays there till I make a backhand notion, then anything I want comes out of the vast void. I of course have many things in there, and I myself can go into the void. When in the void, if I push my way out, then I can teleport anywhere known to my knowledge. I’m a general now of the army, which basically means I do nothing all day, except boss around everyone and get a gigantic salary. I do wish for some excitement. Only if the X-Men could be resurrected somehow. But they are gone and will never come back………………………………….


Interesting . . . You want this hosted? You want some criticism?

Toyi said...

Criticism? is hard to critizice fiction man cause anything can be posible.

I mean criticism of the writing, not the subject matter.

When do the Winnie the Pooh stories start?

Hey!!! Wait a minute! That post was written by Choas_Dragoon; I thought he was only going to be posting about how great the Oakland Raiders were?! Where are the Oakland Raider posts? C'mon, don't be a fairweather fan and stop from posting about the best team in the NFL just because they haven't won a regualr season game. The Raiders are AWESOME! You should be writing all about them!

Choas_Dragoon said...

Critism and hosting. And maybe ideas. And I was wrong about Oakland, they bombed hard. My favorite team was always Denver anyway.

Hosting I can do, I am setting up some fiction hosting this weekend, I will include yours.

Criticism, again, writing is not my fortes, but overall not bad. Gets a bit unclear in the middle, but your set a nice mood. I don't know if this is intentionaly, but is is written much like a comic book or a script.

Christopher said...


Christopher said...


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