Attention, Murk and Malach

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

That little MySpace Girl Fight you guys got into the other day may not have actually been your fault. It's true. Where video games have always been the vent for violent behavior in males, the female front has a new scapegoat. And, surprisingly, it is in a weird, yet very likely person.

Behold! J.K. Rowling has unintentionally pissed off a whole new group of Americans. First it was Christians denouncing the underlying witchcraft theme. Now, folks, Hermione Granger, the leading female in the popular Harry Potter series, has been targeted for causing "aggressive behavior" in females.

Personally, I think people need to stop shifting blame. Things like this only make Jack Thompson's wallet thicker and further alienates the people that could be wasting their time reading those shitty books. I would say something about the necessity of people accepting responsibility for their actions, but that would make lawyers extinct and far less necessary than they already are.

The only victim here is Mrs. Rowling. While only trying to write a lighthearted children's series, she has opened the doors for attention-grabbing assholes to find nonexistent "themes" in her books and try to become famous by speaking against them. However, she has made an assload of money off of those terrible books, so I wouldn't really count her as a victim. In fact, now that I think about it, I have argued both sides enough to make this post worthless.


Jack Thompson. Does anyone else find it a conflict of interest that any lawyer is so slanted in one direction left or right?

JK. She should be drawn and quartered for stealing 90% of Potter from CS Lewis.

And Lewis Carrol.

Christopher said...

Um, hey Hojo. Considering your name is either short for Howard Johnson's (the place where WHORES go for protien breakfast) or Hoe Job, you might want to watch who you call a girl.

And for your information, I was having the girl fight with the Angry Veteran and Dr. Mansloth, you fucking carpal tunnel brained porcupine breeder.

JK Rowling sucks. I thought all British women were nannies? WTF is with her? She should go shake a baby, shit on it and call the police.

Oh, and I fucked Hermione in her Azkaban Prison with my Sorcerer's Stone. It was hot as the Goblet of Fire!!! Owwwww!

But seriously, do I have lipstick on my teeth?

Hojo said...

I AM a protein breakfast, ladies. All you can eat for free, baby (but don't drink the water).

You don't have to attack me, man. It's not necessary to work so hard to cover up a fact that everyone already knows.

Porcupine breeding actually rakes in some cash. Not much, but it gets me by.

Christopher said...

Hokay, Hojo! But I like to attack... you freaking rat sodomizer.

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