The Peacemaker Cometh

Monday, May 29, 2006

Now to address all the bitching at WoW.
Some of us are scared of the infighting here, to me, it is fine as long as it does not cross a certain line (all out racism being a good example). When I envisioned this blog with Murk, we wanted some flaming, the flaming is cool, but support your point, even if the point is from an internet personality you created. I think many of us need to realize if someone says something to hurt your feelings, they really don't mean it, and are just trying to keep the entertainment flowing (and trust me, people are watching). Yes, we like funny shit, interesting stuff, and flaming.

Those who have not posted much, remember, if you do and feel you are attacked, some of us are "internet characters" and might refute your point, just to make it interesting. We are all diverse, and that is what most people like about this.

Now for an example. Drunk Comic Reviews. They started with a bang, some of the best and birghtest in the webcomic industry (why Malach was invited we'll never know). They pissed off a lot of A list internet celebrity (read it), and then each other. Slowly some left, and slowly others were kicked out. Gone was the dynamic. Hence it died in April. As popular as that blog was, this is more. More hits, more visitors, higher alexa rank.

So, post away, and if you think there is some to add to this mess, give me or Murk and heads up.

I am Malach, Peacemaker.


Christopher said...

SHUT UP! Play With Dolls!

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