Please watch "Sir, No Sir" for Memorial Day

Sunday, May 28, 2006

This link was posted in one of my Angry Veteran comment sections, and I wanted to share it with everyone.

This link brings you to a full version of the film that you can watch, for free, right now.

This link brings you to the film homepage for more information.

The mainstream media likes to portray the Peace Movement of the Vietnam Era as a bunch of soldier hating hippies. To the contrary, many servicemen and women were in the Peace Movement, and sent to the brig for their activities. No one was spitting on returning soldiers or calling them baby killers - that is all propaganda.

Soldiers knew better than anyone else that the Vietnam War was wrong, and they turned against it. The same is happening today in Iraq. The difference is, in Vietnam, the draft meant you had no way out. Today, as a volunteer, you vote with your feet. Like myself, many soldiers simply opt out and many citizens refuse to opt in.


Anonymous said...

So, we shouldn't honor the memory of fallen American soldiers, we should watch political propaganda?

Memorial Day is the absolute WRONG day for war protests. Many of our grandafther fought in WWII and I find your idea of cheapening and politicising their memory because you don't agree with the current war insulting and stupid!

You are the Angry Idiot.

Seriously, Z, fuck you. That's asinine. Sometimes I post my venom just to be a wise ass, but you really need to rethink this one.

Did you step one foot in Iraq? Did you? No. If you had, maybe... MAYBE I'd understand. But you never fired a shot and are a self righteous pencil pusher, so what would you know about those who suffer through war?

You'd rather undermine a war you disagree with thatn take one day, ONE DAY to honor those who fought for this country and died, not just today or thes decade but all the way back to the Civil War (when Decoration Day was first established).

Dude, grow up. You are not that important, and neither is your fucked up anti-military agenda. Good men and women die every day in the service of this country. Maybe not in Iraq. Maybe that war is wrong. We know the way it was and is fought is wrong. But why push that on a day of rememberance for those who've died in defence of your freedom?

Oh, and the Vietnam War and the soldiers there protected my wife. So don't put Vietnam up as some goddam case study. The world isn't a classroom.

The movie is the opposite of political proaganda; it is a documentary about soldiers who joined the anti-war movement. Memorial Day is a day to remember all soldiers who have died in uniform, including those who were fighting in a war they didn't believe in or who were shot dead by MP's as they tried to escape the brig for resisting deployment.

Also, there is no need to be a combat veteran to have a valid opinion. I don't call myself the Angry Combat Veteran. I know about the suffering of war because I had to report the casualty report every damn day. Was I holding KIA and MIA in my arms? No, of course not. Am I saying my opinion is more valid than a combat veteran's? No, and I never would. But, I would also never fall in the camp of telling someone else that their opinion was somehow less valid because they never served in uniform. Ideas and arguments have to stand on their own; they can't solely rely on the proponent.

While it is true that I am not that important, my agenda is not anti-military. It is pro-military, anti-ideology. You need to base military action on facts, not what you want to believe. Iraq is the perfect example. I served in the Army for over 12 years and left, not because I didn’t like the military, but because I didn’t like the way it was being misused. I was in total agreement with General Shinseki, and they gave him the boot. I followed.

I'm glad the soldiers protected your wife, but the truth is that the American government was responsible for the unnecessary death of villages full of people like your wife. Roughly 50,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese died for no good reason. To date, roughly 3,000 Americans and over 100,000 Iraqis have died, also, for no good reason.

Vietnam is a case study and the world is a classroom. But this administration has put ignorance, faith, and pride ahead of facts, knowledge, and analysis. Sadly, this administration has not learned anything in this classroom. The Powell Doctrine was a direct response to the failure in Vietnam. It was followed in the first Gulf War, and ignored in the second. The results of learning or ignoring the lessons from Vietnam speak for themselves.

Thus, out of an ignorance of history and facts, more soldiers die and there are more people to remember on Memorial Day. Remember those who served and the sacrifices they made, but also remember your history. Becoming informed enough to help stop the current fiasco and possibly stop the next one (Iran), does honor to their memories.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Yes, You Know Who, because there is no better way to honor those who died for our freedom than to not exercise our freedom and say when we think things are totally fucked up, right? And of course we should not talk about the war that is synonymous with our US soldiers being dishonored by their own government.

And I’m glad your wife was saved by US soldiers. I’m glad you live in a field of daisies where you wife’s life was saved. There are plenty of people in Boston’s Vietnamese community whose families were fucking killed by cluster bombs just because they were IN THE WAY. A lot of them by undetonated bombs years after the war was lost.

Too bad, if your not comfortable with people bringing up the factually tragic cluster-fuck that resulted to 50k dead veterans, on the day that is not only to remember our war dead, but also HOW they died, and WHY they died. Vietnam wasn’t Normandy, it wasn’t the liberation of Auschwitz, it wasn’t a great battle of good verses evil. It was a bunch of assholes throwing kids into a meat grinder for some fuzzy headed goal, that FAILED.

And the fact that we don’t remember that on a day like Memorial Day is why we are doing it again, right now. And that shows all those kids who died in Vietnam, died for absolutely NOTHING because their unnecessary sacrifice hasn’t even been learned from.

And THAT is sickening.

Anonymous said...

So, you two dickwads would rather promote your agenda then for ONE FUCKING DAY shut up and honor soldiers who have died in the service of the very country that gives you the right to be whiny bitches?

You want to express disatisfaction? Fine. Pick another day. Like wednesday. Don't turn a memorial into your soapbox.

Or, you know what, you're right. Go protest the war in Iraq at some poor soldier's funeral. Or, go promote a Pro Choice agenda at someone's funeral. Or, go slap some war wodow for living on the government take.

Hell, it's America. You've got the right to be an insensitive asshole.
Angry Venarial. You wish my wife died instead of those other innocents? What the hell do you mean? I should feel guilty?

Mantodea. Seeing as how you probably aren't married, you think that people who are married and love each other and live in a "field of daisies" are blind, vapid cows who eat grass when they're told until they die.

You two are so focused on what is wrong with everything that you will NEVER find any useful solution to these problems. You blame and blame and blame. *claps* So happy for you!

I know both of you, somewhat. Or, at least I thought I did. And the last I knew, you both had it pretty good as far as lifestyle is concerned. Neither of you has had a relative disappear in the night and never return. Neither of you has been wrongfully imprisoned, etc. But bitch bitch bitch. Symptom of the middle class liberalist elite.

Just let the veterans who have died and their families have their day of rememberence without making some fuss just to impress your finger snapping, avante guarde, whole grain tofu wrap eating friends.

From Dr. Murk:

"Angry Venarial. You wish my wife died instead of those other innocents? What the hell do you mean? I should feel guilty?"

No, of course not. I wish no innocent people were killed, that's my point. And I would not compare posting a link on the web like protesting at a funeral. The only people I know of doing that are Christian fundamentalists who think IED's are punishing America for our tolerance of homosexuals.

I'm never quite sure when Murk is trolling or being serious. But, in any case, ad hominem attacks certainly don't clarify anything.

And, identifying a problem is the first part of solving it. I could drink beer all day and not worry about anything and be blissfully ignorant. But, I do neither.

I'd just like for everyone else to see the film and think about it. Maybe, if everyone did, we'd have fewer veterans to mourn every Memorial Day.

I'm not saying we shouldn't honor our war dead. We should. I'm saying: let's have fewer.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Cry me a river.

No one is making you read this shit. As a matter of fact, no one is making you see or hear anything you don't want to. You have an entire internet out there that will give you whatever you want.

You wanted anger? This is what it means to be angry. It doesn't just stop when it makes you feel uncomfortable.

And hey, I hear you’re tight with Malach, you can stop this anytime. So either ban me or deal with it.

Christopher said...

Wasn't me guys.

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