Still Nursing on the Gasoline Tit

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So there I was, watching the Senate “pummel” the FTC about sleeping on the job and allowing the oil companies to merge to such an extent that they are no longer subject to competition. And it’s all the typical grandstanding from politicians desperate to show the American people “See? We’re outraged too!” In this election year.

Now of course the thing that runs through my ichor-filled cranium at ever single senator who was bitching at the FTC (both Dem and Republican) was “Okay douchbag… where the fuck have you been while all this shit has been going on over the years? You are just as fucking guilty as the FTC. Like you couldn’t have done something about it before?”

And like my mind was being read by Windows Media Player the very last thing on the piece was Trent Lot saying, to the Oil Companies and the FTC “You know, I don’t want to do anything crazy about this, I voted against every regulatory effort in this area for the past 30 years, but the American people are agitated about this and if there isn’t some restraint shown, things are not going to be pretty.”

Excuse me? Did I just hear you admit that this whole goddamn fucking mess is thanks to asshole big business dick suckers like YOU Mr. Lott?

Well I’m glad you feel the need to tell everyone so openly about your pro business-gob-swallowing. Not that anyone fucking cares, of course.

But you know what, America? Eat Shit. I drive a car that gets 34mpg. You can suck my cloacae. I don’t want to hear your bitching about how much it costs to fill up the tank of your gas guzzler. It isn’t like any of this shit wasn’t mentioned for the last thirty fucking years as being inevitable. Now it’s finally happening and you’re crying foul.

Choke on it.


Scapegoats! It is the American Way!

Toyi said...

You know I still haven't felt the heat of oil pricing, my work place is 5 minites away from home on top of that I have a very economic car, I still have a nice allowence.. but I can see those people faces coming out of the highway, they are terrified I tell you... horror in their faces.

My home heating went from about $600 for the winter to $1800 in one year, it SUCKS.

I use public transportation and my employer reimburses me for it. My transportation costs are zero. I ocassionally have to move my seat due to a foul odor, but I think I can live with that. Well run cities and fully funded public transportation are the best hopes for the future; not suburbs, exurbs, and endless freeways.

Toyi said...

I am seriously considering using a bicicle for the summer to go to work, I was used to do that on my 1st job, 1 hour bicicle to get there.. oh my legs were just la la la

I could bike, but my workplace is in the worst section of New Beige, so I would not live to see winter.

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