You call it Divine. I call it as I see it......

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

We eat organic food.

We do palates.

We do yoga.

We quit smoking.

We drive hybrid cars.

We support our local charities.

We blow up massive bombs stirring up radioactive material into the
atmosphere in our own backyard.

See a problem?

If all goes as planned, this June, a 700-ton explosive will be detonated
90 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nev. in a high desert valley bounded by

In an era deemed to be progressive concerning the environment and
health, it seems as if our powerful nation has made a misstep.

Conducted by the Pentagon, the bomb is part of a test that is code-named
"Divine Strake."

"Divine Strake is one of several "DIVINE" efforts under the Hard and Deeply Buried Target Defeat (HDBTD) program. DIVINE WARHAWK consists of deep underground operational tunnel facility defeat demonstrations using advanced weapons at the White Sands Missile Range. DIVINE HELCAT was a 2004 reconstitution exercise to determine reconstitution time for the C3I tunnel facility at Nevada Test Site (NTS). Also in 2004 planning began for DIVINE HATES, which is a WMD production and storage tunnel complex functional defeat effort. "

With the current Government being focused on North Korea and Iran, the planners of this test have overlooked one hugely important factor: What will happen here in the
United States?

The Pentagon estimates the blast could send a cloud of dust more than
10,000 feet into the air. With the dust, radioactive fallout from
previous atomic testing in the area could be dispersed everywhere.

With this in mind, environmental officials in Nevada have demanded
additional data from the National Nuclear Security Administration, or
NNSA, to ensure the test will comply with the state's air quality standards.

It's 2006 and we're talking about radioactive fallout, an explosion that
will be nearly 50 times bigger than the largest conventional weapon and
underground bunkers housing nuclear weapons.

Imagine the explosion looking something like this:

Image Hosted at

Now imagine that cloud being filled with the radioactive ingredients of the nuclear bombs we're detonating. FUN for ALL!

I thought we were trying to end nuclear war and put an end to the radioactive life threatening diseases caused by this. Didn't we learn when we bombed Japan?

The Winnemucca Indian Colony thought we were done too. With a large percentage of
their Nevada population having contracted cancer, which is believed to
be caused by exposure to fallout from nuclear testing, the colony
has sued to stop the Divine Strake detonation.

So far, they have been successful in postponing the test until after
June 23, from its originally scheduled June 2 date.

Whether it's the safety of the surrounding people, or just the idea of
reverting back to primitive ideals of war and world power, the test
seems largely out of place.

Needless to say, if the test happens this June, make sure the organic
food you buy in the future doesn't come from Nevada.

For further information on Divine Strake, you can go here to the Nuclear Info Site, or you can review the Yahoo search engine list here. Also...THIS seemed rather interesting. It shows that we've actually been trying to master this technique for quite some time.....


MMMMMM, Radioactive Fall out

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