Mind Games

Monday, May 01, 2006

An interesting, if long, article about the use of misinformation by the Bush administration. I posted the first three paragraphs, the rest is found here.

I'd be especially interested in what the Angry Veteran has to say about it, as his knowledge of these kinds of things is better than... well any of the rest of you rubes, (including me).

Mind Games

By Daniel Schulman

When the United States launched Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003, Sam Gardiner, a sixty-four-year-old retired Air Force colonel, was a regular on The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on PBS, where it was his job to place the day’s events in context. As the campaign wore on, and he monitored the press coverage and parsed the public statements of military and administration officials, he at first became uneasy, then deeply concerned.

A longtime Defense Department consultant who has taught strategy at three of the military’s top war colleges, Gardiner had participated throughout the 1990s in a series of war games that simulated attacks on Iraq. He was familiar with Iraq’s military and was therefore surprised to hear officials, such as the Army Brigadier General Vincent Brooks, the deputy director of operations of Central Command’s headquarters in Qatar, tell the press of ongoing operations to eliminate “terrorist death squads.” The allegation struck Gardiner as odd. Matter-of-fact and precise in their speech, military officers would not typically refer to irregulars as “death squads.” More important, as far as Gardiner knew, in 2003, when the invasion began, Iraq had no “terrorist death squads.”

Gardiner believes that this formulation, which first entered the official vernacular a week after the invasion began, was a skillful execution of a classic propaganda technique known as the “excluded middle.” The excluded middle is premised on the idea that people, provided with incomplete but suggestive information, will draw false assumptions — in this case that Saddam Hussein had ties to terrorism and therefore to Al Qaeda (a connection that administration officials actively pushed during the run-up to the war).


"The first casualty when war comes is the truth."

-Hiram Johnson

That is an excellent article. I remember, very clearly, the day the Pentagon started using the term "terrorist death squads." I immediately protested to my commander, and made the corollary to Vietnam when the Army used terms like "pacifying a village" as a way of saying "bombed a village." My protests, like all of my others, fell on deaf ears."

This motivates me to write a complete post on the subject…

Dr. Mantodea said...

Please do so.

Christopher said...

I refuse to validate the two party system anymore, so I could care less. All politicians are liars and killers.

Personally, I have no issue with disception and propoganda used for war purposes. If it gives you an advantage, use it, old Sun Tzu Tactics.

What I do have issue with is the propoganda used to begin this war, and that being used on the American public to support a "War or Terror" which is and will be just as effective as the "War on Drugs" was.

The article addresses that Sun Tzu issue: old Sunny didn't have to deal with instant global communication. You are supposed to use propaganda on the enemy and keep the accurate information for your citizens and soldiers. This administration has crossed those lanes, and is using what is supposed to be legitimate newscast for propaganda. They also did it with their push on the completely internal NCLB Act, paying a supposed neutral broadcaster as a "consultant" to push their agenda.

Current credibility: 0. They have put themselves in the position of bringing a knife to the War of Ideas gunfight.

Christopher said...

Go ahead and rally under the safety of the Democratic Party Flag. They'll fair no better in this age of information. Lies are too easily found out now.

You two still haven't realized that your ideals don't match up to either party.

AV, you of all people should see the need for a third party of moderate, sensible, non-agenda driven civil servants.

Dr. Murk,

I'll readily admit that I am basically disenfranchised as a social progressive and a fiscal conservative. It used to be that each party at least gave me a little something for half of my political philosophy. Now that the Republicans have lost any fiscal sense, I'm left with half a connection to the Democrats.

I've been relugated to the island of misfit voters.

Toyi said...

I agree with Malach, about the comment of the propaganda used to iniciate this war.
I believe this war was a product of a blind emotion, you get hit in the face in the serenity of darkess,1st thing you do is get angry and start kicking left and right before even acknowledging the enemis true possition.

Dr. Mantodea said...

You Know Murk, there are gradations of suckitude.

Where exactly have you seen either of us say “Rah Rah Democrats!” ? You are demonstrating your own binary thinking that someone who attacks the Republican party MUST be a card carrying Democrat. That is not the case with me. I’m a Liberal Kitten Eater, yes, but I’ll be damned before I call myself a member of any party. I don’t vote for parties, I vote for individuals.

That said; realistically, until we have a Democratic run government that pulls the same shit these cocks have the last few years, your words of apathetic cynicism are empty. I’m not a Democrat, but the Democrats have not demonstrated the obscene batshit craziness that the Republican party has over the last decade. The Republican Party of 2006 is unprecedented. What is the worst thing you can think of that the Democrats being in all three branched of government would result in, right now?

So far, the only place where there is proof that the Democrats are as bad as the Republicans is in your imaginary world.

If you can honestly look me in the compound eyes and tell me that the Democrats would have done an equally fucked up job were they calling the shots, then I’ll ask you to please show me evidence. Until then, you’ll have to forgive me for grasping at the only realistic chance we have to stop the nightmare from getting worse in this country by getting the demonstrably crazy party OUT of power.

And you third party loonies crack me up. What planet do you live on where you think a third party is a viable choice for national elections in the US?

Seriously, you guys just do not pay attention. You scream about how brainwashed everyone else is who votes for the two major parties, and then you can’t get your own shit together enough to present a viable alternative! There’s plenty of us in this country waiting for you to put your money where you mouth is, get organized, and give us someone other than the loony fringe morons you keep presenting for office. Until then, shove your mythical third party messiah back in through your sphincter.

-Mantodea for President: Vote the other GREEN Party!

Christopher said...

Dr. Mantoodea is a reactionary freak.

Who is this "you guys" you speak of? It's just me, mantis piss.

I do nothing? I have 4 websites and have co-founded this blog for just the purpose of creating enough buzz to get people interested in these issues.

You sir, are merely a crudely drawn caricature. I am flesh and blood.

So, when Clinto embezzled campagn funds and took money from China, you were okay with it?

Look, I have no problem admitting government is corrupt. What I have a problem with is that no one seems to think of anything besides saying "The Government is corrupt".

The two party system is bullshit and you know it. You're hiding behind Bush and his lies just as much as he is. Monkey ass!

So, I'm supposed to show you proof that the Democrats would have done worse? Okay... so you want my to find absolute proof to a hypothetical problem. Great. Okay. I'll get right to work on that. Meanwhile I'll have Aquaman and Supergirl wash your tentacles.

"Third Part Loonies". Yeah, that solves a lot. You name calling toad fucker!

I said if intelligent people were to wake up and decide to create a new party. I did not say vote for any of the current third party. You say it won't work in the US... gee I wonder why?

Now who's brainwashed?

If I have any spelling or gramar mistakes, feel free to base your next argument on how superior your insectile brain is because it can robotically parot the English language. Worm!

Dr. Mantodea said...

Hey sonny, that Dr. Toad Fucker, you Nancy! I didn’t spend 6 year in the Toad Fucker PhD program at Roger Williams for nothing.

I know the two party system is bullshit, but I also know that the tired old wine* of “The Democrats aren’t any better” is about as accurate as you when you do your taxes by counting on your fingers and toes (your not suppose to be able to count to 23 without starting over, you know?)

I used to think like you, back when I was young and stupid, then I got old and stupid, but that’s besides the pint**. The point is, in 2000, I would have agreed with you that the two parties really aren’t that different from each other, then the Republicans pretty much just screwed that idea up royally. This country lurched so far to the right that people on the two coasts got whiplash. I would not have guessed they could have fucked things up this badly. I wouldn’t.

I also would never have thought that I would say these words: I would vote for Bob Dole or Richard Fucking NIXON right now just to get a Republican back in office that I can trust with running the fucking government! Even DEAD Republicans! They can’t be any worse!

Yeah, the Dems suck, that’s not news! Getting a series of rabies shots also suck, but they are better than dying from rabies! Believe me, I know!

So the Democrats are like getting a big 10 gauge needle shoved in your abdomen repeatedly, but the Republicans are like going mad, and convulsing to death while drowning in your own foamy fluids!

Get the fuckknobs out of office so that we can get some good old fashioned morons back in and maybe just maybe things will stop going down the shitshoot.

And yeah, I’m brainwashed, brainwashed like a fox!

*I misspelled that one just for you.
** There’s two for ya, chuckles.

Christopher said...

I will never accept the lesser of two evils. The greater of two evils, maybe, because then that is evil for evil's sake.

You know, the 90's spoiled us. Government at its best is poorly run, corrupt and attracts idiots like you attract, well... nothing. You're a fucking made up bug. There is no such thing as a praying mantiss. I looked it up.

You think John Kerry or Al Gore would have done any better? I don't. I think that Bush was 'elected' the first time because Al Gore was a communist spy and Kerry was just unacceptable.

Here's my arguement: if the Dems would have been better, why is it that they couldn't even rig an election in 2000 or defeat Puppet George in aught 4? If they couldn't even get their dumn asses in there to play the game when anyone ANYONE with any sense probably could have beat the Bush ticket... and THEN they lost all of congress as well!

If they can't even run their own party, what the hell do you think they would do once IN power?

Dr. Toad Fucker... Hmmmmm. There needs to be a song about that... could be like a "Jethro Tull" rip off type thing...

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