Just to share

Friday, May 12, 2006

As some of you already know, I am part of my church bands (they are 2 different bands) and we just recorded a CD (In spanish), we did it in a record of 2 weeks and is our 1st CD.The experience was awsome because human nature pulls. During the 1st day we were all nervious, we were told to have 3 songs ready that day and so we did, we were done within 30 minutes and so our leader said "Are you up to keep recording?" (once the instruments are set with the volumes for recording, you need to keep them that way, so the producer recomend that if we were in the mood it was better if we continued that day to avoid the unset of instruments and specially the drums because only to set the drums' microphones took the producer 3 hours).
So that was one thing we learned that day, another thing was that while recording you need to be quiet or even your breathing gets recorded because the microphones are extremely sensitive. By my experience playing the electric guitar was cool and not cool at the same time, lol my guitar was a bit old for a recording studio on top of that my tremolo was too noisy and I had to skip it (what made me sad), this was just the 1st issue, the 2nd was that (as any regular guitar player) I have calluses on my finger tips and that was a pain because the noise a regular amp doesn't pick up, the sensitive recording mikes do, my calluses were just busting with the scrubb against the strings, I got frustrated lol the producer looked at me and said "well try some hand lotion to see if that helps", i tried that and actually improved.Then I heard the recording after I was done and I was still unsatisfied (a little less than before) but the producer said "believe me is not worst than what any other famous guitar player will do, this is something complitely common, maybe you are used to hear your amp and hear you clean but is not the same with recording mikes... they just pick up everything" I asked "well but when I hear a CD I don't hear that" then he said, well that is a production work, the artists pay to have all that removed, but is a very expensive job that more than sophisticated equipment is about time production consuming to get it removed... so that is one more thing I found out that day...Then I also think that next time I record an album, I will have to go get a manicure lol So far I had to be satisfied with what we got as final product, it was common as human nature that everybody wanted special attention to their instruments and also to their own songs, but certainly that was the reason our pastor assigned a person for final decisions, because he knew little things like this are common specially when you have 8 people playing different instruments & each one being the autor of one song in the album).Yet we actually came back to the road and kept going, so the production is as it is, the production its anything God allowed us to acomplish for the money we had for it, so I feel grateful for the result and again.. to remeber that the reason for the CD is not to please ourselves but to bring the word to others and speak what we believe. One of our friends showed at the studio with a video camera, he was filming all of us that day, yesterday he surprised us with a home made video for one of the songs lol that was quiet a surprise for us, we will display it to church tonigh lol I believe it was thight for a home made video lol


I have both CD's. I am working right now to put one up on Hill TV

Toyi said...

^ Don't forget to let me know the link!! uhm actually you can upload my song, thank you.

We are going to dicuss tomorrow at butterflies birthday party!

Toyi said...

oh the kids will love it lol eh eh eh there is a subliminal mesage lol you will all turn Jesus freaks lol muahahahhha

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