This Hole In the Ground

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I let people be. Pretty much evrything I could have said has been said better by both those talking about the pain they felt on that day and since, So I kept my mouth shut. Also ironically, the other kinds of things I would have said have been summed up perfectly by a mainstream news commentator.

This hole in the ground

I'll just say, I hope plenty of people took some time out of their solemn observances to listen to this guy remind them of the other reasons they should be hurt and angry.


Anonymous said...

I pity the fool that messes with Keith Olberman.

Total agreement with Olderman, I had though by now a new high rise would be there as a big FU to the terrorists.

Christopher said...

Oh fuck you, Dr. More Dribble.

American apathy ruined our sense of unity and both Dems and Repubs broke all of their promises.

Two months after, we all had to choose sides over whether or not to invade Iraq and we've never looked back.

And the same exact thing would have happened if Al Bore or John Fairy was president, except there would have been NO REASONABLE RESPONSE to the attack.

Go play with your Crossfire action figures and watch an ACLU-CNN 24 hour conservative bashing marathon.

You know what? Maybe YOU and YOUR anti American attitude is why those towers were attacked because you voted for Clinton and he CRIPPLED our defense and intelligence agencies.

Don't even dare deny it. I have over 40 military 'friends' that can attest to it. For him, as long as the cigars were coming, the blow jobs were available and China was happy, he could give a shit. He thought we were invincible.

It's Clinton's fault and I blame him.

There. I can point fingers just as irrationally as Mr Oberman. Impressed? And what was he a few years ago? Oh right, a pseudo sports anchor on ESPN who jumped to a news network, failed and then got picked up by the crappiest news source of all...

Come on. You thought I was going to let this one slip in?

Dr. Mantodea said...

Once again you demonstrate your inability to accept that it wasn’t Gore or Kerry in control for the last 5 years, Murk. You can say all the nonsensical shit you want about how they would have done the same thing, would have… could have…. DIDN’T.

So like it or not the guys in charge get to take the heat for things that happen on their watch. Besides, it wasn’t just bashing Bush, for the events leading up to sep 11th.

The fucking point, or did you not bother reading the whole article, is not about blaming Bush for September 11th, but calling him and (EVERYONE else in our government now) to task for their reprehensible actions SINCE then, and how they squandered the good will they had from both sides of the political spectrum and both side of the Atlantic and both side of the Pacific so thoroughly. And how THEY have been using the tragedy for political gain last night, included Bush’s endless speeches calling for Unity with HIS point of view, or did you think he meant some other kind of unity? So if you don’t agree with the way he has been doing things, you’re not showing unity? You’re forgetting the tragedy?

Go back to crying in your fucking beer, I’m done playing nice jus because everyone had their juvenile world view shattered 5 years ago and they haven’t gotten over it. Grow the fuck up. Everyone else on this fucking planet has had to deal with this same shit for centuries, while we sat back on our fat asses watching their tragedies unfolding on TV and shook our heads about how it was all “just too bad for them”.

I’m anti-American? No, I’m Anti Americans-Like-Murk. Fuck you right back. Go jump in a smoking crater. I hear there is still plenty of room in that one in NY they haven’t filled in yet.

Tainted~Love said...

Ekkkksss! My 2cents ....someone always has to blame someone and someone must always take the blame.

No one wins ...and everyone loses.

From my experience in both administrations, CLinton was good for both intel and the military and Bush has been bad for both.

First, Clinton got rid of the very bad policy of keeping a posse of paid CIA informants - they were notoriously unreliable. CLinton admin was very good at using intel only when it was verified by more than one source.

Bush, in contrast, had a policy, and ideology, and cherrypicked the intel that supported it and ignored the vast amounts that contradicted it. Example: basing all of our Iraq intel on (possible Iranian sympathizer?) Chalabi.

CLinton was good for the military because he continued the Bush I planned drawdown and he read our reports. The man read long documents, h edidn't have to have a dog and pony show PowerPoint presentation. Mostly, he listened to experts and experts from foreign militaries. But he also made difficult calls-using only air power in teh Balkans was derided by the right, but it was the correct call.

Bush, in contrast, has crippled the US military. He started a war of choice and it is leading to an exodus of professional soldiers and officers at teh mid grade level and sending recruiting requirements through the floor - see the surge in white supremecists in the ranks.

In any case, I agree with Olbermann. I don't hold CLinton or Bush responsible for th eattacks. There was plenty of intel on that kind of an attack; but other intel on other kinds of attacks too. You can't be ready for everything. But I will hold Bush responsible for what has happened since 9/11. He and the neocons told lies becuase they thought the ends would justify the means. Now, it is a military quagmire and a political lose-lose.

Toyi said...

to me, no matter what source Keith Olberman serves, he stated a good fact, leaving beyond the blames, 5 years ago that space should be filed with a new borne WTC, we should be clapping at the new development by now, that will be a better slap to terror than go away and send blows to the air, oh funny go look for a rabbit but brought a biten allegator and on top of that the war isn't done yet. When are we going to get our WTC? when he finish his mission? when is that going to happen, when is going to be over and enough?

Christopher said...

Quoth Oberman:

"The President—and those around him—did that.

They promised bi-partisanship, and then showed that to them, “bi-partisanship” meant that their party would rule and the rest would have to follow, or be branded, with ever-escalating hysteria, as morally or intellectually confused; as appeasers; as those who, in the Vice President’s words yesterday, “validate the strategy of the terrorists.”

Hmmmm. Yup he sure called out both parties on that one...

You read what you want to read. You believe what you want to believe. You're a fucking puppet of the Liberal Political Machine.

I'm whining? I'm a baby?

Fuck you dude. Your whole 'deal with it' attitude is freaking sick. I thought you said you lost friends in that tragedy???? Deal with it? Or was that just more spin?

It takes more than five years to do ANYTHING in New York.


Clinton was a pig fucking hick and did nothing to deter terrorism. AV is a liar. He's still under the pay of the very organization he defames. He's a spy, a mole. He loves the pope and the military and is in constant communications with the CIA!!!


We can't take it! We hate being losers! Boo hoo!

Fuck everyone.

You are all liars, fakers and weak hearted, half asses liberals who just want to bitch bitch bitch.

Bush sucks. We get it. Everything since 1966 is his fault, we get it!

This should be renamed the Wand of Wimps.

I say, nuke Iran, threaten France to stop fucking up, send a not to China that says "We have button that can end the world in 45 minutes." AND we should boycott Ben and Jerry's for not using good old American Pesticides and Fertalizers on their cows.

The more undocumented nonsense you two spew, the more I will.

Al Gore was behind Al Quaeda after he lost his crybaby appeal to win the election. He paid the Republicans in Florida 50 million dollars apiece to act corrupt. Al Gore frequently travels to Afghanistan to encourage the Taliban to keep fighting.

In fact, Al Gore killed George Bush and is now disguising himself as George Bush and acting stupid just to make George Bush look bad.

Hobbs would love this one...

Christopher said...

Oh, and not to trump the podcast, but I quit drinking completely. One less thing for you two assholes to use as a cheap shot on me.

I know who I WON'T be asking for support in that endeavor.

I love your compassionate nature for my alcoholism, dickhead...


"AV is a liar. He's still under the pay of the very organization he defames. He's a spy, a mole. He loves the pope and the military and is in constant communications with the CIA!!!"

Man, I wish I was on that CIA informant gravytrain. I just might look into that. Alas, I do love the military, but the Pope and I just don't "get each other."


"I love your compassionate nature for my alcoholism, dickhead..."

We all know you aren't really an alcoholic; you've quit drinking a hundred times.

Christopher said...

Actually, I've quit 5 times and failed 4 so far. I'm serious.

I'm starting a treatment program and I'm getting angry at the sauce.

Alcohol is the demon, the enemy.

I won't be preaching to the rest. It's just my decision.

Oh, and I know you can't admit the CIA connection, so I'll drop it.



The Professor said...

I love all that butch, homo-erotic talk from conservatives. Liberal and Democrat isn't a usable pejorative in any discussion.

I say we have us a mano y mano match between AV and Herr Dr. Murk. Last man alive gets braggin rights!

Christopher said...

Who the fuck are you? I've drank more beer with Dr. M that you've had hot baths. So stay the fuckity fuck out of it.

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