I have a confession to make. Please read this post.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ok, ok, I admit it.

I am helpful critic.

Yes, it's me.

Look, I'm an attention whore. I have been my whole life. This is no secret to any one who knows me on or offline. I come from a long line of attention whores. Even my kids are attention whores. And, don't even get me started about my Jewish wife.

I just figured that I could get more and more attention by using two online personalities. Then, I figued that if I pretended to be someone else making fun of this second personality, then... well, that would generate more and more attention.

It's a sickness and I should have known better. For that I am sorry. I want you all to know that I have booked an appointment with my psychiatrist and renewed my prescriptions to Zoloft and Lamictal. I hope this will help with my clear and present addiction for attention.

You darn kids are just too smart for me. Especially you Murk. You figured it out much faster than I thought you would.

I salute your technical investigative skills!

Once again, my sincere apologies to you all.


Anonymous said...

He lies!

You gave up much too easily

Choas_Dragoon said...

I told you Malach.

What did I say, Spacefarmer is not smart enough to keep us a ruse like this for longer than a week . . . I Guess you were right . . . unless this is designed to throw us off.

helpful critic said...

we are the helpful critic
and we assure you
the captain is not us.

we are not the captain
the captain is full of lies

OR AM I?!?!

I am so confused, you are turning me into Sirhan Sirhan.

helpful critic said...

we know that you all know the captain better than this.

if he were really us, he would never admit it

OR WOULD I!?!??!?

helpful critic said...

we see through the captains not so clever ruse.
he tries to annoy us, in order to ascertain our true identity.
as usual
the captain tries
the captain fails

note that he chooses the day that Murk, the one who knows our true identity, is absent from the Wow.

Toyi said...

HC are you still able to have good sex? ( I am talking about the meds)

helpful critic said...

don't worry, toyi. we'll see you later, and determine if YOU are able to have good sex.

Yes, I am still able to have great sex! Oh, whoops, I mean....

yes, toyi, we are still able to have great sex.

Toyi said...

oh well just out of curiosity, people say that when they are under Zoloft they can't bang lol

I doubt you will ever find out about my persona, cause 1-you are not my kind & 2- I am not desperate.

Actually, that second statement of mine was supposed to be what I would say as helpful critic. Not a pass at you, lady.

Toyi said...

^ I think you need a person above of a psychiatrist to help you lol
I can't really imagine... if this is you while depressed and under Zoloft.

Choas_Dragoon said...

Toyi my type. Hispanic girls are hot.
Soa re asians. Wink Wink Murk.

Choas_Dragoon said...

* so are asians

Christopher said...

Helpful Critic is NOT the Captain. I have his IP and have confirmed who it is.

It's the Angry Veteran, so there, Captain Liar Pants!

toyi... who said anything about me being depressed? Did anyone say anything about you being fat?

Christopher said...

She's as fat as diet wheat germ.

Toyi said...


IDK Maybe when I have kids or get married something will change lol

Nah, you'll always be fat. Like us. Right Murk? We love being fat. FATTY FAT FAT!

Christopher said...

She's fat like a dehydrated twig. Have tyou seen her?

Toyi, eat something!!! Men like women with a little meat on them! :)

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