A Public Apology to a Mr. Dr. Murk

Friday, September 29, 2006

I don't do this often, so save this and read it nightly.

I ridiculed him in this public place, so it is only right that my apology be placed in front of the eyes of the same people that witnessed it:

Sweet Jesus, I am sorry. I regret that I don't know you enough to know when you cross the line between truth and jest. Had I known you were actually in need of help I certainly would have been a little more warm and helpful instead of making cruel jokes at your expense. I mean, give me some credit; I am no Cap'n Flak.

Here is me, in a semi-groveling manner, congratulating you on a successful first day on the long road to success. Best of luck to you on your way to recovery, and please don't let bennie goodman die off completely. I love that hateful fellow.


Christopher said...


No offense. Half my fault. It WAS 5:30 in the morning and I should know my jokes and my reality blur way too often!

Plus, I was hung over as all hell. Let me tell you, when I decided to quit, I sure as hell was going to make sure it was going to be on a day where I was suffering the symptoms that made me really WANT to quit.

Lucky for me, I caught myself very early and my chances are good.

I have General Anxiety Disorder. So, if I treat the root of my self medication, follow the strict sobriety guidlines, listen to my elders who've been there I'll be fine.

No harm done friend. I regretted reading what I said to you later on. It was hate at myself jumping out at you.

Not to start an apology party, but I am sorry for over reacting instead of snapping. BUT, hey... I was having a bad and scary morning.


Mind if I don't delete it though so I have a reminder of what drinking does to me?

Christopher said...

Oh, and bennie is not dead, just being kept under wraps.

He's a side of me that I developed from years of repressing my anxiety. He'll always be there and yes, he will still come out and shit on people.

People like that. Especially in Europe.

Hojo, I know Murk, nothing you could do over the internet could ever really effect him.

Hojo said...

Go ahead and delete it, Murk. As long as you have seen it and we have worked things out, I give you my blessing to do with it what you will.

To Malach:
I have noticed that Murk is pretty much invincible. I also know that I am but a 16-year-old stranger and our paths will probably never cross, but that does not mean that I do not, and more importantly, can not care. When I feel like I have done something that merits apology I always do so, be it on the internet or face-to-face.

Christopher said...

No, I'm leaving it up. I need the rminder of what an ass I can be when hung over...

Christopher said...

Invincible is not me... alcohol is my kryptonite, bud.

You're a smart fucking guy at 16!!! Jeez, I thought you were a geezer like Angry Veteran!

Gar! You kids keep off my lawn! Shouldn't you all be at home doing your chores! Gar!

It's true. I am a complete asshole and I don't give a flip flap flying fuck all about any of you.

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