I have a confession to make

Friday, September 22, 2006

I cannot deceive you, my internet friends, any longer.

I, the Angry Veteran, have been posting as The Helpful Critic.

I am, at heart, both Statler and Waldorf, and, quite frankly, always have been.

However, that is no excuse to abuse your love and trust. I am truly sorry and hope you can forgive my awful abuse of you.


NO! It's on now!

Oh, no it's not, Dr. Murk already unmasked me. See the false confession of Flak below:

Dr. R. Murk said...
Helpful Critic is NOT the Captain. I have his IP and have confirmed who it is.

It's the Angry Veteran, so there, Captain Liar Pants!

He was just covering for me

Ah, so you say now, in order to bolster your false confession.

However, we can all visit the comments section of the first false confession by Flak and see very clearly what the results of Murk's investigation was.

John Malach Karr....

I fucking knew it!

The Professor said...

What is this, a Kubrick film?

Capt Paperpantus - I'm Spartacus
Angri Veteranus - No, I'm Spartacus
Herr Dr Murkus - No I'm Spartacus...

I'm Spartacus.

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