Return of the Statzi!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I very much enjoyed Dr. Murk's post from yesterday and it made me think of a few other things. Not only do people come here to read some good articles, they also come here for the interaction of the members. In addition, they come here cause they hate some of us. I get quite consistently messages like "Why is XXXXX over at WoW a jerk?". They like/hate some of the personalities.

I do have one request. We have 28 contributers, some who have never posted an article, one who has never even commented. Could everyone here try and post at least one article per month? Why? I love to hear from those of you we don't hear from often.

The Stats
One thing I like about stats, it shows you how popular you are, and what people who come here (Or stumble upon this like). First the big ones. The Wand of Wonder, and it's mother site, Third Option Media have been online since March of '05. Since that time it has had 342,446 hits, 31,901 unique visitors (ave of about 133 a day, again this has increased since June and aeveraged 299 per day). The most popular page is of course this blog, followed by the podcast page. Some meat and potato stats?
Where do they all come from?

1. The US
2. Canada
3. China
4. Brazil
5. Spain
6. Japan
7. UK
8. Hong Kong
9. India
10. Germany

1. California
2. British Columbia, Canada
3. Massachusetts
4. Michigan
5. New York
6. Florida
7. Virginia
8. Missouri
9. Illinois
10. Bejing, China

1. Myspace
2. Blogger


4. Google
5. Bitacle
6. The USDA Forest Service?
7. The CAB
8. The Angry Piper's Den
9. RubberSuit Studios
10. The Greater Good

And finally, what are the top twenty WoW artcles?
1. A Couple of Quickies
2. Nacho Libre: A Review
3. Cars
4. Flight 77
5. The Wand of Wonder
6. Hump Day Top Ten!
7. Ohh Daniel San, MY ARM!
8. i h8te target
9. Yellowstone Death
10. Tu-Pac
11. Dr. Murk's Closet
12. Cleaning out my room (Want to get the cobwebs out of my head)
13. Man wins $400K for 10-year implant malfunction
14. If I were the leader of the free world.
15. Lezbonics ~ Jokes for Hump Day
16. Excuse me, you guys down here hear about the ongoing cholesterol problem in the country?
17. Who Reads WoW?
18. MySpace Girl Fight Club
19. Rednecks
20. Help a Malach

What is the common thread among these posts? Most of them pertain to timely searched events, and common internet searches, or have extensive incoming links. Also most of these are at least a month old so they are going to get hit more or you would think so. For example since Aug the most popular articles are very similar to the top ten above, with the addition of stuff about Steve Irwin, My NFL preview, and some of the Wrestling articles.

Live from the UN, It's the Muppet Show!
With our special guest stars, George W. Bush and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! Hopefully, The Pope will make a surprise appearance!

The Red Headed Stranger.
(SARCASM ALERT)What? Willie Nelson Busted? No Freakin' Way!

The World's Best Fighter
Fedor Emelianenko, 1 Professional loss (due to a cut), Sambo fighter from Russia.

And Hobbs . .
I just voted, did I make you proud?

I am Malach and I Declare Jihad!



Because it amuses me!

Tainted~Love said...

Thanks Malach's good to know people care. ~wicked love~

The Angry Piper said...

Wow. My Blog is the 8th top referrer. Too bad it's not the other way around.
None of my articles made the top 20...although the number one article is all about "Angry Piper Day." Says something right there.
And I still find it puzzling that most WoW traffic (and most traffic, incidentally)comes from California. Wonder why?

Hojo said...

Wow, one of my psots actually made the top ten. I'm rather amazed.

I know how to get Germany up on the list.

Alles für Deutschland!

There we go, it'll be number one in no time.

Most of my webcomic traffic also comes from CA.

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