Some News, an Apology, a Rant?, and a big FU!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Greatest Show on Turf.
It did not take long for the best reality show on TV, the Dallas Cowboys, to get the ball rolling. Of course, T.O. had to take the spotlight with an apparent "suicide attempt". I used the quotes intentionally. Of course, this is now being spun by the Cowboys, and Owens was released from the hospital, but how long before this blows up? It is kind of frightening when Terry Glenn is the model citizen on your team (although, read the article, evidently Glenn sliced his hand on a pair of scissors, trying to "cut tape off his pants", while reaching down the front of his pants). Mike Vanderjagt, your up next!

And Apology
I must aplogize to Matt Clement (aka Matt Clementalcase). All of us in Red Sox nation questioned his toughness, and his mental stablity this year. He kept trying to come back, and would continually be set back. The tests on his shoulder were showing nothing and we demanded tests on his head. Well, they finally did exploratory surgery which revealed a torn rotator and torn labrum. Well Matt Clement, let me apologize to you for questioning you. I also apologize for all my Buckos.

The War in Iraq, Dubya, and the release of the previouly classfied war report by the Bush Administration.
As many of you know, the Bush Adminstration declassified a report of the war in Iraq, that does not paint the rosy picture, this administration has tried to create. You can even read the file (PDF format) here. Well, Malach likes to listen to talk radio and a likes to scan around to different political views. There are even programs I like to call into on occasion to ruffle some feathers.

It was interesting to listen to the left argue with the right and how idiotic they both sounded. The left just continually points out the failings of the war, which have been reassured by this document and how we went into Iraq under false pretenses. The right just continually spouts about the criminality of the leaks that led to this release and how we need to support the troops and killing one terrorist at a time. Rediculous arguments. I called one show today, to point this out, that both arguments are just avoiding the point how to clean up the Middle East. Of course I was shouted down as both a left leaning treasonous moon bat liberal, and a war mongering right wing war happyfreak, with out really getting to the meat of the problem.

So, here is Malach latest solution for Iraq. First, we need to immediatley witdraw from the Middle East, including Afghanistan. Take all this money we are investing and reinvest it in our country, our homeland security, our people, our poor and disenfranchised, and reduce our national debt. We need to bring all our allies, and even non allies in and develop this plan. We need to adopt a cold war policy not only with terrorism, but with EVERY country that supports terrorism and terror like tactics. That includes, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, who ever. We need to be on constant alert, and threat of pressing the button on whomever attacks needs to be the deterrant. We need to make countries the sponsor this stuff equally as responsible. Economic sanctions will be placed on countries that continue this behavior and countries that abandon it, economic help.

The UN also needs to be changed. The UN is extremely good at humanitarian and dimplopmatic things, not so good as being the world police.

The problem with Islam, is the same issue that occured with every other faith over the course of history. Judiasm had it early violent land grabbing to anyone who was not Jewish, Christianity had it Crusades, and Insquisitions. These faiths came out of it as relative peacful ones, but only after a few thousand years of formation. Eventually Islam will come around to this, but will it take another thousand years? The US and it's allies need coax it along, to start providing information to Islamic coutries . . . computers, access to the internet, etc. For country who are definitley want to change, military help. Unfortunately it is a waiting game, and dangerous waiting game, eventually Muslims will be sick of rule by fundamentalist Clerics, oust them and put in a non theorcratic form of government.

And if we are ever attacked again? After analysis of the groups and countries responsible, we need to have a good enough relationship with our allies to immediately address the issue militarily, as a group, even if it means a nuclear attack.

And Screw Heroes and Misfits of Science

I am Malach solving all the world's problems.


Anonymous said...

im not with the whole nuclear attack thing, but you do have a very good point.

The Angry Piper said...

Nuclear attack?

You're a tool.

It is pronounced NEW-CUE-LER.

Toyi said...

Piper, is this the dog you were showing your power the other day? well looks like he is in love with you now, look he is rpeating everything you say.

Believe it or not I'm walking on air . . .

the piper always gives as good as he gets


the Piper blows dogs

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