The Shit Parables, or How I Became Shit Jesus

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So, if a man builds a castle out of shit, should he be proud of it?

If a man is buried in shit up to his waist, should he bury himself further to get a better grip on what's going on in the shit?

If a man climbs to the top of a pile of shit faster than other men around him, he'll still be covered in shit, right?

If running a marathon through ankle deep shit meant finally being able to lay down to rest on a soft piece of shit when done, is it worth it?

If I lived in a house built of shit, would people laugh when I complained about the smell?

A man who sees shit all day dreams of shit at night.

If you loan shit at shitty rates you get shit for interest payments.

If it's shit at work, shit at home or shit on vacation, it's still shit.

The material world is filled with shit. The fact that we keep trying to control shit says it all. No wonder we're unhappy. We're shit pushers.


I eat pieces of shit for breakfast.

I prefer poop to shit, it is much prettier.

Malach poops rose petals.

Which, is, uh, kind of odd.

Christopher said...

Blatant violation of the limit swearing rule, but it just ain't the same without the shit, sorry.

The rules don't apply to either one of you anyway, right?

Christopher said...

Um, Cap... they've heard the podcast. The war's over, Timmy. No one is buying it anymore.


How do you nail a shit Jesus to the cross? I don't think you can. I think you may have found a Holy Loophole. Holy Shit!

Sounds like someone is having a shitty day....

Jeff said...

It's said, "You can't polish a turd." I say you can. But it's still a turd.

Toyi said...

wow I never though about it, I guess your post is abit more interesting than Nibbles'

Tainted~Love said...

But shit always floats to the top ...

Christopher said...

Shit is getting confusing...

Anonymous said...

You sure do smell purty!

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