Tuesday, August 15, 2006

YouTube is BACK!
To set this clip up, this is the opening to season two of The Venture Bros. Hank and Dean had died in a firey hover bike accident ala Easy Rider at the end of the season, Dr. Venture's mutant midget brother sprouted from his abdomen, and Dr. Venture takes off to find himself.

Oh and uh check this one out!

I am Malach and I am a RAVE! and a Whore!


*evil laugh* Let the spamming begin.

Toyi said...

eh eh that scene at the Club was very funny!

but, Malach, it doesn't say Chicken Moon! How am i gonna search youtube for chicken moon stuff if they aren't listed as chicken moon?


way to plug, buddy

they are listed as chicken moon, check the keywords. I change the titles to reflect that.

How did they get that damn site back up so quickly?! How?! I used a whole vacation day for this?! FOR THIS?!

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