A Note on Diplomacy...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Also, here is a nice little essay on creationism, education, and Kansas, titled How to Make Sure Children Are Scientifically Illiterate

ADDED NOTE: for those of you who are armchair activists, I've added a large number of petitions to my blog, ranging from political to environmental. Come check them out, and click to sign the one's you want.


My exact argument. You want to teach "creationism"? Teach it in a philosophy or religion class.

Nada said...

That's funny, I've had an essay on a similar topic gathering dust on my hard drive for months. I guess I should post it.

Toyi said...

I agree with malach on that one, but what they will do if I don't think the ape evoluted? are they going to kick me out of the classroom? o-0

Again, I use the gravity comparison. Why do creationist believe in the scientific theory of gravity?

Toyi said...

what made you think gravity didn't exist before man discovered it? just because men put a name to it, it didn't mean they created it, so answer my question... what are they going to do with my "ape disagreement" in science classroom?

That is propoganda spread by Creationists. It is not man is descended from apes it is primates (man ape monkeys) share similar common ancestors.

Gravity is just a theory of science, as evolution, why then accept gravity and not evolution both completely accurate and relevant scientific theory?

The Angry Piper said...

Hobbs...what are you doing still alive?!!

Oh, right. It's only Thursday...

Toyi said...

if its a propaganda why I always thought about it, way longer before I was Christian? why? i just did cause it doesn't make sense at all, but don't worry you know that we always have our separated ideas about it.

what does that mean, piper? should i be weary of assassins?


You aren't constantly weary of assasins? What? Am I the only one?


The Angry Piper said...

Great article, Hobbs...you stinking piece of geriatric filth. Soon you will cease to exist, and when you do, the last thing you will see is up my kilt as I stand over you trumpeting my victorious war-cry.

That being said...I haven't been in school for over a decade, but reading shit like that makes me so fucking happy I wasn't raised in Kansas.

Enjoy your final days, old man.

Piper, you overwrought skirt wearing Nancy Hippy!
So, you've suddenly got it in for me, eh? What's the matter, Dog got your penis?
You want me to be afraid of you?ppshaw!

The Angry Piper said...

I used to fuck guys like you in prison, Hobbs.

that says it all, piper

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