The good ol' cartoons

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Mickey Mouse
Amongst the charecters which became a house hold name for the disney industry,
none of them are morefamous than the half naked, yellow sneaker wearing mouse,
Mickey. His features hasevolved over the years and now he looks more like a
dashing young weirdo than the weird bug he used to be.

Personally I like Donald Duck better.

Infact the same could be said for any of the classic cartoon charecters. Bugs bunny, tom and jerry,
and the rest of the whole jingbang

Anyway the point is that no matter how many "awsome" animes come and go
and no matter how many pathetic 'power rangers' series continue to capture
uneducated todlers, there are always the classics which even my parents like
to watch from time to time.

And they abhor cartoons.

Down you just love the classics?


Toyi said...

of course, the classic always the best!

Christopher said...

Power Rangers was not a cartoon

Me partial to Thundar the Barbarian

Toyi said...

Thunder thunder thunder thunder Cats!!!!

What about singing Mazinger Z song in Japanese at age 5?

GI Joe!

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