Hey pal, watch where you point that thing

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Speaking of San Francisco real estate, let me introduce you to the Taepodong-2 (TD-2) missile.

"If we can develop this we have nothing to fear. Even the American Bastards won't be able to bother us. Whether we live or die, we must quickly develop the Hwasong 6."

- Kim Jong Il, circa 1987

The TD-2 has also been called "No-Dong", "Hwasong", and "Moksong." The actual range and payload of the TD-2 is in dispute because outside experts cannot agree whether the missile is a two stage or three stage Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).

It is generally agreed, however, that this missile, if operational, puts the continental U.S. within range of a North Korean nuclear strike.

Why is it so important for North Korea to develop this capability? Because of the lesson the U.S. has just taught the world by invading a non-threat like Iraq but not disturbing an actual threat like North Korea: if you want to be safe from a U.S. invasion, have a nuclear weapon.

The TD-2 is North Korea's insurance policy against a U.S. invasion. We can look forward to many other countries learning this lesson and developing nuclear programs and delivery systems of their own.

Good work, neocons.


Hence, the US holding their largest war games in the Pacific in 40 years, hence the US putting it's missle defence system on active, hence the start of a "strategic nuclear" war.

Don't be surprised if China does something to get that parasite of North Korea off it's back.

Christopher said...

Shhhh! Don't wake up China. China's been out drinking all night and tends to throw slaps when hung over...

Figures, a 'No Dong' missile will take down SF.

Yeah, you heard me.


Dumber that the SCUD?

did someone say Chuds?

i hate those humanoid underground dwellers

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