Legalize Marijuana

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Before I start . . .
Several people have asked me for the WoW healine animator that is on several websites and MySpaces. It looks like this

Wand Of Wonder Headlines

The HTML for it is. Just copy it and put it up where ever (I changed the lookof it so it will fit in your blog sidebars).
This allows a few things. Direct links to the blog, and ease of susbscribing to the blog. Thanks.

Now for the good stuff.

Before I begin, I need to state, I am not a drug user, nor a marijuana user. The last time I was around a joint, besides a concert was probably 1994. I have used it on occasion in the past, not super fond of it, it makes me lazy (I don't need more help with that). I also don't smoke, or rarely drink. I would try acid, or mescaline if it was given to me, and I did not have to go out and get it myself, but that is another confession for another time.

Why then you ask? Why Malach? To me it is common sense . . .

1. Marijuana does just as much damage to you or less, than cigarettes and alchohol. Recent studies have even shown excessive marijuana use, is not even linked with lung cancer (though brain cellular damage and enphysema is linked, but what the heck).
2. The effects of marijuana are similar to what you get with drinking. So if it were controlled like booze (ie public intoxication, driving), it would be as safe as booze. To top it off, I have never seen a stoner prone to violence.
3. Pot is not addictive, unlike cigarettes and booze. No matter what anyone tells you, you don't end up in rehab or the methadone clinic for pot (or for that matter LSD or mescalline).
5. Our justice system is rediculously overcrowded with people busted for possesion, getting way to much time for stuff like marijuana.
6. The Economy. Tax it, sell it, and watch the late night food providers become millionares. Pot also grows extemely well just about everywhere is the US.

Now, I am not going to get into the Nixon Administration and their classification of Marijuana and LSD as scheduled I controlled substances(which is rediculous), nor am I going to go the ultra stupid Woody Harrelson "Hemp Cured Cancer" route. But this shit to me seems common sense.

I am Malach, smoke 'em if you got 'em.


Tainted~Love said...

WOW no commets on this one yet! *laffs* Well I agree pot isn't what the gov wants people to believe. But then I got high! ~LMAO~

Yea, I was surprised at that too. WoW must be a bunch of stoners.

Yep, bunch of potheads . . .

Tainted~Love said...

LMAO ...damn potheads! *giggles*

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