Dr. Murk's Closet

Friday, June 23, 2006

Do you ever wonder why you only ever see a picture of Dr. Murk from the neck up? Perhaps a recent post of his on the Angry Piper blog can shed some light:

"Dr. R. Murk said... 229 lbs myself. Now, I've been at it for 4 years and started at 255. By the end of the summer's hard labor I will be below the coveted 210. Psyched. "

Many people would be psyched, but, sadly, Dr. Murk is only four feet tall. 4'0" at 229 pounds creates the well known "apple" shape that leads men to avoid human contact and drink microbrews while they sit at their keyboards all day.

In an effort to join in normal social activities, Dr. Murk has finally started to wear a male girdle. The horrible pain caused by compressing that much body fat on his organs means that he can only go outside in this gear for a limited time each day.

I say bravo to Dr. Murk for showing this kind of courage. Good luck in not busting all the seams out.



I say that is worth 5 points

Toyi said...

nice, you are on your way to your own platinum wedding Toyi claps claps

Toyi said...

^ oh that must be a nice suit for my tomorrows concert...

Christopher said...

I'd give you credit for a good laugh if it weren't for the fact that you've had that picture of the male girdle on your 'hard drive' for a few years.

That and you are incorrect about photos of me. Clearly you can see my waist in a picture malach posted to his blog from the pimps and hoes party. I was a pimp. Don't try it.

And it's 'pear' shaped or 'punkin' shaped.

Oh, and I drink microbrews at night while watching sports.

Most of my day is spent working, not at my keyboard.

My girdle (if I had one) would not have a hole in the crotch like yours.

Wait wait wait... I've got it...


Brick Peterson if I can add one. IDK, I like the crotchless aspect. Never know when sex is coming around.

Anonymous said...

Look at you ya fuckin fat fuck! Ya got fat, ya big fat ass with your fat fuckin fat ass gut!

Wow, when did Josh learn to use a computer!!!

Hojo said...

"Ass gut?" I love it.

here we go again, a bunch of nancies calling names. boring boring boring. i thought we were going to have some serious debates here. But we've got the Angry Veteran of the second grade, apparently.
Veteran, can you be useful for once?

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