Soccer and the United States

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Before I begin.
Congrats to WoW. WoW has been averaging 85 - 100 unique hits per day now for about a month . . . Yesterday though that more than doubled to 220. Analyzing the stats, it seems our movie reviews are getting a ton of hits, with the review for Cars, and Nacho Libre being in our top 5 pages hit (Cars was actually number 1 this week). We will see if this continues.

Something else interesting is that we have gotten a ton of links from a Google translation page. Look out for suicide bombers.

Why Soccer in not Popular in the US.
This post is inspired from a discussion Toyi and I had over at my blog. Before I begin, I would like to add, Malach enjoys soccer, and is a fan. I watch it (though not religiously), and I enjoy playing it. I like both women's and men's soccer. That was not always the case. Malach did not begin playing soccer until his early 20's, and that is when he became a fan.

But enough of that. Why is Soccer, the most popular sport in the world, not popular in the US? It seems it should be; persons younger than my generation all play, and there is a large population of minorities from countries that soccer is popular in who have come to this country. But Soccer is barely a blip on the radar here, unless it is the World Cup. To me there are several reasons.

1. Soccer is not an American Sport: Soccer was not invented in North America, like Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, and Football. Over the past 150 years Soccer has had little to no exposure in the US sporting scene. That has changed over the past 30 years though. Soccer is played by almost every kid in every part of this country, but after a certain point (high school), the best athletes abandon the sport to play Baseball, Basketball, and Football. Interest wanes and soccer in nor more popular than it was after these kids grow up.

2. Soccer is not exciting enough: Soccer is very low scoring. Americans like high scoring affairs, and find low scoring defensive oriented games boring. Look what has happened to hockey (hockey and soccer are good comparisons, they are very similar games with similar strategies). In the 50's, 60's, and 70's, hockey was extremely popular. It was high scoring and very violent. As better safety equipment came in, goaltending and defense became better, scoring became lower. As Hockey incorporated similar defenses to soccer, i.e. the neutral zone trap, hockey became a very boring low scoring dump and run game (like soccer is) and interest waned . . . At least though in hockey, there is fighting and checking.

The NHL made major changes after the strike to open the game up. We will see if it works.

3. Soccer players are pussies: Having played soccer, soccer is a very physical game, similar to the physicality basketball. The problem most Americans have is the diving, and the acting injured. How many times during the course of a game, do you see someone tackled; they end up writhing on the ground like they broke a leg, drawing a yellow card. They are pulled off the field on a stretcher, only to get up a second later and run back out on the field. Yes, it is part of the strategy (like in basketball drawing fouls), but to an American whose grown up with violent sports, soccer players are just sissies.

4. Americans are too psycho about other sports: As a native New Englander, we are psychotic about our Red Soxs, close to psychotic about the Patriots, formerly psychotic about the Celtics and Bruins. There are no cities in this country psychotic about soccer. Why? Well the MLS sucks. In cities without pro sports teams they are nuts for college football and basketball. Down South they are nuts for NASCAR, up in Canada, hockey. The entire country is nuts for football, and in the Northeast, it is Yankees/Red Sox. There is no room for soccer.

Will this ever change? Probably not. Soccer does not have financial clout in this country to take on NASCAR, MLB, NFL, or even the NBA. Soccer might be able to take on the NHL. Will the influx of immigrants change this? I don't think so. Malach lives in a part of the country that has had huge influxes of Latin Americans and Europeans over the past 200 years. Those of Portuguese and Hispanic out number those of other European descent around here. Soccer is very popular in the Greater New Bedford Area. Between the current wave of Latin Americans, and the previous wave of Portuguese, there are as many soccer fields and soccer club teams as there are baseball and football ones. But still the kids of these immigrants get caught up in Red Sox and Patriots nation, and lose interest in Soccer. Part of it is marketing, part is tradition.

Can you change soccer to appeal to Americans? Sure. Make the field smaller, get rid of offsides, allow more contact and less penalties. Will soccer ever do this? Why would they, they are still the most popular sport in the world.

I am Malach and I am a soccer fan.


Toyi said...

I agree with most of your post, I only desagree about kids dropping soccer in highscholl, well I believe HS does not encourage it, they encourage football, I tell you best example I was used to be a great Tennis player inmiddle school, yet my HS did not encourage it, they didn't have corts or teachers for it, so they made me quit it by force.. same here with soccer.

About the injuries lol oh I admit they axagerate but remember that is not football, any fault is against the rules and so players take advantage of that sometimes.

Yet more than people motivation "Just by not being an american sport" is a dumb excuse because soccer is not ES sport either but they play it to core as other nations.

I believe is more of a media and etc etc block to soccer so Football and Baseball don't lose force.

Toyi said...

oh and I forgot... MLS Suck yeah I don't even follow itbecause of it lol

In American School, Football and Basketball are the two big sports, but esp. football, it makes the schools the most money.

Toyi said...

^ Nice point there, since soccer is not too strong, there are no high wages for soccer players either (at least not yet).
In other countries you can have an enitire proffession out of it specially in Europe.

I notice that the bald idea that is implemented here is that soccer is for kids or for women, but just bring somebody and have him running 45 minutes and another 45 minutes to see if is a weak sport... just because is not about knocking somebody to the ground.

You can even see soccer player body shapes, they are sexy and not overweighted or oversized (which is very unsexy) yet a kick on your Tibia or Perone are very painful and can get you out of accition for a while or forever. lol I have gotten those kicks myself and also on my fingers lol cause I am a goaly too.

Smaller in generally better form speed in soccer, in other sports ie football, strength is extremely important, hence large bodies.

I am a big guy. I don't get knocked around the soccer field, I do the knocking around. As for kicks, I wear shin gaurds. The worst "injury" I've gotten from soccer is almost getting knocked out by a header.

Toyi said...

oh you are just lucky lol is mainly because you are a big guy, but other soccer players get they legs broken sometimes,there is a lot of knee injuries involving soccer and is not just for fooling around, I believe depends on the exposure, (the more you play, the more close to injuries), My dad was a soccer player and his ligament was tore.. since then if he is standing suddenly he falls to the ground because his knee fails, the only way to correct this was reattaching his ligament but is too expensive and he doesn't have the money to cover for surgery, now after more than 15 years of his injury... who knows if still an open chance to reattach his ligamnet.

Common injury in any sport

Toyi said...
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Toyi said...

^ oh that was me, I was test reading my post and it didn't made sense... lol

"Common injury in any sport"

which I don't deny but this other comment

The worst "injury" I've gotten from soccer is almost getting knocked out by a header."

sounds like nothing else would happen in soccer... which is not true scrubbing it against your other comment...

I rarely get injured playing sports anyway . . that is the worst soccer "injury" I have ever had.

Toyi said...

^ I sort of picture you lol like this

lol lol you must be a slow player you know anything has its advantage or its disadvantage lol jk jk jk I just couldn't resist lol jk jk

Not even close. I am not slow, I am not fast either. You put me on the field with a bunch of people my age, I won't win a race, but I won't come in last.

I am faster than all my female friends though!

Again I am not short at all.

Toyi said...

well ahh for soccer you don't really need to be very fast, the trainer will always acomodate you in a key possiting, usually the fastest people come forward, the more resistant come middle and of course the good blockers will go defense which is actually a gift lol My dad was a goaly, and my brother & I are very good at it too, when I found out? the 1st time I ever was set to be goaly... people loves me there and I admit sometimes I want to get away from it, may friends loves me when I am on their side but find a challenge when we are in oposite teams lol

Anonymous said...

First of all, neither of you guys can spell. But it figures, for new englanders, their intelligence level is below normal human average. Secondly, ALL Americans SUCK AT FOOTBALL (THE REAL NAME FOR SOCCER). Goalie doesn't mean you have that much skills buddy. Thirdly, HOCKEY and especially baseball are boring as hell. Soccer is the world's most exciting sport which is why 2 billion people watched the World CUp final. Also, unlike stupid american sports, THE WORLD actually competes against other countries. Unlike Baseball, basketball, hockey and football who say they are the world champions when they don't play any other countries.
4th, Soccer players are pussy? Wow, do you know anything about soccer. Soccer players are tougher than any of the people who play in your sports they don't have huge protective pads like american football.
and finally, Soccer doesn't have the finances. I think you need to do some research on that buddy. Just check how much Ronaldo alone makes, more than anyone on your celtics, or patriots, and definitely more than new england revolution. So arguing with other Americans about soccer is like to blind men arguing over who looks better.
But one thing was funny, the picture of the fat guy with the music. lol, that's what all y'all look like! LMAO!!!

Ok. Mr. Anonymous you evidently did not read my post correctly. I am just telling you why soccer in not popular in the US. I myself enjoy soccer.

As for arguing with other Americans, half the people who posted comments here are either foreign born, or not living in the US.

Anonymous said...

Remember you said, and I quote, "As a native New Englander, we are psychotic about our Red Soxs, close to psychotic about the Patriots, formerly psychotic about the Celtics and Bruins." Meaning that you're American. And you say half the people in here as if this is a room full of people instead of just 2 of you guys arguing.

Anonymous said...

Remember you said, and I quote, "As a native New Englander, we are psychotic about our Red Soxs, close to psychotic about the Patriots, formerly psychotic about the Celtics and Bruins." Meaning that you're American. And you say half the people in here as if this is a room full of people instead of just 2 of you guys arguing.

Anonymous said...

Remember you said, and I quote, "As a native New Englander, we are psychotic about our Red Soxs, close to psychotic about the Patriots, formerly psychotic about the Celtics and Bruins." Meaning that you are an American... Unless there's a New England in another country with the exact same names as the teams here, which I doubt. And it's funny how you say "half the people who posted comments here are either foreign born or not living in the US. ONLY TWO PEOPLE POSTED COMMENTS!! LMFAO!!!

Um, Toyi is from El Salvador, I was refering to another post here about soccer, where Auto C posted (India). I am from Fairhaven Ma, again I LIKE SOCCER. I am just pointing out why most Americans don't.

Why the three posts?

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