I know...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Now I know that this is not the blog to hype your own personal web sh*t on, but I just wanted to let y'all know that Hill TV has a new section called Freak of the Week.

Thr reason I meantion this is many of you are better at findind freaks than I am and I'd like your help. If you see stuff, just forward it to me at hex2323@yahoo.com . I'll give you full credit for the find and it will hit the rss and I'll link to your blog of choice.

This week's freak, Ann Coulter. If you don't know why, go find out.



I like em Freaky!

Ms. Coulteir is weird, she looks like a drag queen too.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Coulter is like one of those three-year-olds who learns the word "Fuck!" and sees that it causes all the adults around her to freak out whenever she says it. So, naturally, the kid then says it more to get a reaction out of everyone.

Most kids grow out of that, she didn't.

lucky for her, there are plenty of idiots who are willing to throw money at her to keep her saying over the top "Look at ME! I'm SO EDGY!!1" statements.

People like her and Fred Phelps are the meatspace equivalent of an Internet Troll.

Mmmmm, meatspace.

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