A Recovery Primer

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just because I want you all to understand a few things. Some of us on here are in recovery. That can be from drugs, alcohol, food, any addiction.

The Basics: Recovery is the middle state between being sick and being well. For addicts, recovery never becomes being well again. We can get sick again, but we can never be cured of our addiction. We can keep getteing better, but never cured.

People become addicted to stuff for all sorts of reasons, from genetics, to abuse, to depression, even from too much partying. People who habitually abuse anything are addicts. The longer the addiction, the more hard wired it becomes.

Recovery is not a simple matter of quitting something. If you can just up and quit something cold turkey (as they say) and not feel any ill effects, you never were addicted and therefore are not in recovery.

A Description: Recovery is a moment by moment choice to not return to your addiction. It is moment by moment because the desire is that strong and the temptations are everywhere. Plus, life is filled with stress.

It is not easy. Every recovery is different, bu none are easy. It does not get easier with time. They say the first year is the roughest, until you've gotten through the first year and they tell you that the second year now becomes the first year again. No moment is easy. Some moments are better than others.

Paul Simon put it best when he said "A good day ain't got no rain. A bad day is when I sit in bed and think about what might have been." He was talking about marriage, but heck it works for this too.

A Warning: Anyone here who thinks it can't happen to you, you're wrong. Sometimes one small choice leads to a life of bad situations. And willpower does not overcome addiction once you have it. That's a myth. So, don't assume you know anything about addiction and recovery unless you're in recovery or you're a Doctor who specializes in it. And don't you ever look down on an addict or a recovering addict. You just don't know. You don't want to know. If you ever look down on an addict I actually HOPE and PRAY you become one yourself so you can understand what a judgemental ass you are.

Addiction is an Illness: A MEDICALLY DEFINED ILLNESS just like the flu or cancer. Doctors across the world accept it as an illness. AND those of us in recovery or various stages of addiction never chose to get sick. You can't hate or blame the person, you can hate and blame the disease. It is a medical fact. Ask any doctor.

Everyone makes bad choices, especially when you're young and invincible. I made some bad choices. Did I ask to be an alcoholic? Hell no. Would I make better decisions if I could go back? I have no idea. I was a teenager when I started.

Let's put it this way: If someone had come up to me and showed me all the fun I woul have drinking and then just shown me the pain of the last three years of addiction and the first year of recovery and offered me a way out, a different choice that would alter nothing accept my alcoholism and recovery, would I take the clean way? Hell... Fuck... Yes...

But I never had this information. Commercials told my how great it was. Friends and relatives had fun doing it. It was socially acceptable and even expected, like a wedding toast.

So, one last time. Judge me for who I m today if you must, but don't pretend you are any better, any smarter or worth more than me. I've Paid My Dues.

Have you?



I am addicted to loving all of you . . .


My recovery is no joke. I know you hide your emotional pain behind humor, but your brother is in recovery. Aknowledge it, get pissed off, cry if you want...


There will be no phone call saying I'm just putting on a show here. It fucking sucks what I go through. Don't belittle it. This is the straight truth: that pisses me off.

Tainted~Love said...

Doc it upsets me that you have to go through this in this way. But it brightens my spirits to see you accomplish a milestone. Fuck those that want to judge your past! Hell fuck all of them if you want! ~smiles & sends some "dirty" love~

Toyi said...

okay cool!

It doesn't all suck. I just felt it would be good to post something for some of our fellow Wowees who don't seem to get it that, while I may look the same (actually better), talk the same (actually more sarcastic and caustically) and seem the same...

I'm not.

I'm one of those ucky (and I mean lucky) ones who managed to start addiction recovery and some things (especially from your Brother, even if he tried to kill you a while back) are off the ha ha list.

So, "I can't quit you would not be a good response?"


Grain of salt taken. :)

I find it insulting that you assume no one here would understand your recovery process, as if you are the soul owner of this process. I can safely say there are a few of us here who have or had vices that had to be conquered.

I'm also insulted that you find those who attempt to offer some sort of advice that you immediately shut them down. Look, buddy. If you don't want to fucking hear the reactions, then don't make announcements. Otherwise, expect that not everyone will cater to you in the way you'd desire them too. In fact, they will rspond in their own way with their own thoughts. If that offends you then don't talk about it here.

We're not here to walk on eggshells for your ass. We're here to have fun, to express ourselves OPENLY, and to learn from one another.

You already know what kind of crowd is here. It's safe to assume we're not going to make medical decisions on how to handle your mental health.

Know that we're proud of you and we support you in the ways that WE know how to. And you should be THANKFUL that you have THAT.

In other words - Quit your bitchin', Bucko. You're the one who announced it here....everyone else just tried to offer up their version of congratulations and support.

Besides, you don't want me to call Dr. Phil up in here. He'd knock your ass down.

Eve said...

Murk, I feel for many of us who have never faced an addiction or recovery, that we sometimes fail to see that it truly is a moment to moment choice. Society also fails on a grand scheme to see addiction as an illness. As a nation want the quick fix, the pill to make us all better. Employers struggle with addiction issues or choose to ignore it all together and focus instead on the behavior. Rather than try and offer assistance companies try to figure out the quickest progressive discipline track to get the person out of their employment. In my opinion as a society we fail when it comes to addiction.
I congratulate you on your 9 months of moment to moment choices. You should talk openly about what you are going through. Maybe somewhere along the line you may touch someone or open someones eyes to the plight of addiction.

Eve made a point that I failed to mention. I wasn't yelling at you to make you NOT share your experiences with us.

I want you too!

But I was pointing out that you need to be prepared for and understnading of people's choice to share in your experience with you.

Everyone here supports you 100%. We may not have the sage words that doctors may have, but we certainly give a shit about you.


Now I have no right to voice years of anger from family additction on an open forum when my own brother refuses to face the fact that the sins of the father are visited upon the son and some right wing zealot tells me to forget the past and look into the bright sun of the future.

I know all of your stories, especially yours, 'just me'. You've been through it like I have. You'd honestly take it with a chuckle after only nine months of fighting every day for sanity?

You've forgotten the first few days, the ticking clock, the two months of losing your mind, the emotional outbursts, the month when everyone forgets and claims you're cured, the constant advice from recovery dudes as well as know it alls who have no idea what it's like.

I have every fucking right to remind you and warn everyone else that addiction is no joke and recovery is the price we imbeciles have paid for small mistakes that added up to big problems faster than we knew.

Go on. Vent your hate. "It's not hate!" Yes... yes my sister it is.

I'm your twin too apparently. Murk resides in everyone. He is hatred. He is real and not real.

Your strong reaction and desire to snap back betray you.

What's next? The email? Who's going to scare me this time?

You talk of rules and good and evil. There is only life. Life is suffering. Suffering is the TEACHER.

This post was intended for Toyi and Malach, but I guess when you cut bait you never know what you'll get.

Shocked to see you on the barb.

Eve, finally some water in a dry dry land of self centered preaching.

Eve, finally some water in a dry dry land of self centered preaching. Thank you.

Your ability to empathize is priceless. I hope you always have this gift. People in distress like me need it.

100% support from everybody might be true, but some just have a weird way of showing it.

Thanks to YPG, Hojo, AV and AP for the congrats. If I missed you, speak up and I'll do ya a shout out.

And thanks Malach, Toyi and Just Me for giving me tough love and a bit of humor.

Sorry gang. They tried to kill me for a reason, but I can't be killed. I'm indestructable. Unfortunately.

Ask Cain how e likes wandering the earth marked by God so that he cannot die.

After re-reading my post, I wish to point out that it was informational in nature.

Why the hell am I defending myself from people who say they won't 'wlak on eggshells' around me?

I don't know. Why did I get bitch slapped for putting up an informative post for those who don't understand recovery? I don't know.

Why did I get slapped around after posting a few drink recipies? I don't know.

You know what... I've got a post for ya.

Christopher said...


What's the big deal, Rummy? You're off the sauce and feeling better. Stop letting it eat away at you.

You know, there are starving kids in Africa that would LOVE to be going through what yu're going through right now instead of starving and dying by the thousands.

Snap out of it.

And people wonder why we tried to kill you.

Toyi said...
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Toyi said...

My grampa was a smoker and look I am not one.

Lucky lucky you...

Christopher said...

And still people wonder why we tried to kill you... twice. You don't even know about the first time, do you?

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