Is there help for self help books?

Monday, June 25, 2007

So...I have been reading the book, "The Secret". If anyone has seen lately, "The Secret" recently came under fire for it's apparent lack of respect and supposed twisting of information.

Quite frankly, I think people get what they get from it. I certainly didn't get any ideas to have any disrespect. But then, that is me. What about the rest of the world?

So my husband and I got on the topic of self-help books. His bitch is that a majority of self-help books out there are merely designed to only help one person; the author. He feels that basically the advice given is designed to make people think they are getting some useful information but in the end, it's only filling up the pocket book of the author. Case in point: diet fads.

On the other hand, I have read quite a few self-help books and found them to be VERY useful tools. Well...allow me to re-phrase that. I've read quite a few spiritual books that were in the self-help section of the book store, and found them to be very useful. My case and point: ANYTHING FROM THE DALHI LAMA!

So yesterday, I got the idea that perhaps the reason why self-help books aren't helping is because people have a misconception of how to help themselves or how to receive the help they may need to improve themselves and/or their lives. And then I thought, "Hey! I could write a self-help book!"

Judging from my husband's response.......I'd quickly fall into the family of thieves that he portrays those authors to be.

What do guys think about self-help books? Do they work? Or are they crap?


The Angry Piper said...

They're crap.

You asked.

It's all self selection. If you want to improve yourself and you are motivated to do it and make positive changes, then sure, a self help book might give you some ideas. So might therapy. So might religious books. So might a good biography on a great person. It's all up to the individual.

On the other hand, if you are lazy and just want a miracle cure for your lack of accomplishments, it doesn't matter what you read. You're still just lazy with a head full of wishful thinking.

So, you and your husband are both right.

Self help via book is silly. Self help is support from cloe friends, hard work and honesty. Being positive and giving back to the people around you is a good idea too.

I may still come off as a jerk, but I'm comfortable with that now and I am happy. Plus, suffering and pain is the best teacher and a great source of wisdom. I relish suffering for the lessons it teaqches and it makes it easier. I don't seek out suffering (usually), but I no longer hide from it.

You want help, as Chris, Spacefarmer, Just Me, Malach or anyone else on this blog. Don't aste your money on the book. What people need are trustworthy mentors.

Even Chris and Malach 'killing' me taught me a powerful lesson. I love them even to death. I will punish them, but only because I give a shit and to teach them a lesson through suffering.

End rant.

Eve said...

I agree with Murk, Piper and Veteran. Having people around you that tell you the truth and support you, while you try to change makes a tremendous difference. In my opinion self help books seldom live up to their hype.

Toyi said...

My personal opinion, men was never meant to help himself or to be alone... so they are crap.

I LOVE the profile Picture Eve!!!!

Make sure Piper gives you my number. I haven't seen or heard from you in ages! Well, except here.

Well it depends, I read a lot of art self help books . . .

I have been enlightened. Thank you my fellow brothers and sisters. :)

You were already enligtened. You just needed a little reminder, my holistic friend!

YPG said...

Self help books sell you ideas that you already know about and give you advice that you've already heard.
Just cuz you've paid for it you tend to impliment the thought.

Where as when friend or family give you advice one tends to disregard ir cuz it's free.

Christopher said...

Hmmmm. Healing always has some sort of 'cost' to it. The good healers absorb the cost. We don't want anything in return except the afflicted to get better.

And I do find that the closer I am to a person, the tougher it is to get them to follow a program of therapy.

Familiarity breeds disbelief.

Eve said...

Thanks Murk. Tried to see the last time I was in town but you were not home. I am planning another trip soon.

The Bible is a self help book I guess.

Or any other religious text you prefer.

The Kama Sutra is a self-help book.

Tell me about it! I got to position 11 and suddenly all my bills were paid, I had a sweet boat, a mansion and a hot Asian wife!

Unfortunately, I lost everything but the wife and the bills.

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