Drinks Anyone?

Monday, June 25, 2007

It's been nine months (this upcoming Friday) since I've had any alcohol. I had a ten year binge drinking problem. It got seriously bad the last three years.

Funny enough, I don't have cravings. But I miss certain things. I miss the first hour of relief and forgetfulness. I've found that meditation helps with that. Also I'm on Zoloft (100 milligrams). It's a wonder drug. Sure, it's not a cure all and who knows, maybe ten years down the line, they'll find some sort of horrible consequences from long term use. Who cares? It helps me to manage the hamster running the wheel of worry in my head. I'll take my chances and sue the pharmacutical companies in that case.

But the one thing I miss most is mixing drinks. So, I've been mixing my own cool non alcoholic drinks. One of my favorites is loosely based on a Mohito. I call it a Light Murk Perk.

Take fresh mint leaves and crush them in a well chilled glass.
Add ice.
Add one half of flavored seltzer water (whatever flavor interest you have).
Add one half Green Tea.

And BAM! Delicious and has some EGCG, which is a powerful anti-oxidant. I make it in a giant one liter glass. Light Murk Perk (awesome).


Try a Dark Murk Perk:
One Half EXTRA STRONG coffee
Granulated sugar to taste
A hint of dark brown sugar
Mix with one half cream or milk
Pour over ice

Another triumph! Costs about 1/3 the price of the canned cold coffee drinks or those specialty coffee shoppe iced coffees and tastes a hell of a lot better!

I have many others. Most interestingly, you can make flavored water or flavored seltzer. Get some good healthy juice you like. Add a lot of ice and water and/or setzer. Add juice to your tsste. Why pay twice as much for Sobe Life Water, Gatorade Propel, or any of those other flavored waters that have become so popular?

Advantages: much cheaper, fun to make, completely customizable, and saves you from having to recycle plastic bottles.

Disadvantages: Is a tiny bit time consuming, takes experimentation to find what you like, not portable unless you wash and reuse plastic bottles or have a good travel mug (I hate travel mugs, but that's another rant altogether).

So, try a Light Murk Perk or Dark Murk Perk TODAY! Okay, it's a bit late at the writing of this, so I'll give you until tomorrow might.

This has been a Murk Health Moment. Enjoy life and be well.



Congratulations on hitting the nine month mark!

You're Murkariffic!

Toyi said...

yeah congrats,

Hojo said...

Firstly, congratulations. Your impressive effort and subsequent success are inspirational. Keep up the good work.

Secondly, watch out for Tom Cruise.

Hojo said...

I could also see blending the Dark Murk Perk for a delicious Frappucino type of thing.

Ooooooh! Good idea Hojo.

More ice needed, stronger coffee and maybe substitue a little iced cream of choice. More sugar needed too!

Everyone else, thanks for the congrats. This is the first month I've actually felt proud. I was ashamed of how bad I'd fucked up and how many people I'd hurt.

But the past cannot be changed and the future holds no guarantees. So, I try to stay sober in this moment right now and give whenever I can. They tell you right off the bat, you will have to pay back the world for the gift of sobriety.

YPG said...
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YPG said...

Congrats on the 9 month mark.
And the coffee was great, you're awsome to me again.

Ahhhh... Thanks YPG. I feel... good?

Crap. I like being angry. Ah well.

Thanks anyways! ;)

Malach also has given up drinking (not that I drank any really significant amount in the past) . . .

I has probably been 10 months or so.

I expect to be served one of these delicious concoctions on Saturday.


Toyi said...

Murk just say the past is dead, people is the one who keeps it alive.

Just go ahead man, that is why we don't have eyes on our back, we were made to look forward.

Yeah Malach,

Well I've been sober my entire life. Top that!

You can't be serious... You were drunk at a party way after september 29th 2006. Not to nitpick, but come on. It's not a contest. If you quit, great, but don't put yourself one month ahead of me just to be Malach the Greater Than Everyone.



Don't talk to me like you know ANYTHING about my past or what I should do with it.

And we are NOT meant to look forward. We were made to live in the moment, idiot.

Look people, not to be mean, but recovery is a hard hard hard and weird process. I wanted to post a few drink recipies for you all and next thing I know, I've got an El Salvadorial therapist giving me recovery advice (and if you haven't been through recovery, you have no right to), and a loud mouth who has to one up me when he hardly drank at all. Ten months for you malach is like a week for me.

It's just not the same.

So, if you haven't been through it, and you're not a specialist in the field of recovery, take a shut the fuck up pill.

Hey Murk,

You know that new character on SNL, the redhead, that is always trying to one up everyone in the skits she's in? (I'm going to Italy this summer. "Oh Yeah, I'm in Italy right now")

I had that flashback when Malach made his ten month post. Next, he is going to post his THREE favorite non-alcoholic drink mixes. Take that!

On a more constructive note, Mrs. Angry Veteran and I have a growing love of coffee and just purchased a coffee bean grinder. I didn't think it would make much of a difference - but it does. Of course, I've gone from Sanka, to Folgers, to Peet's..so it's been a long road. If you don't have one, I recommend a good grinder for fresh brew as part of your mixes. Maybe your super sober brother could buy you one as a present.

I'm online looking for one right now... I used to have a little crappy one.

Any good beans to recommend?

Christopher said...

Just made a Light Murk Perk. Surprisingly good. I added a hint of fresh lime.

You know, Henley's makes a soda remarkably similar to that.


Nope, no beans to really recommend. I'm still buying bags of different kinds trying to find a roast that is just right.

Mrs. Angry Veteran keeps dropping hints about how she wants an espresso machine for the house, but I keep pretending not to hear.

Eve said...

Congrats on the 9 months!
Great coffee receipe. Trying it in the mroning. I am sick of paying an arm and a leg at Starbucks. No Dunkin in TX.

Let see, I did drink at the PiMP Party . . . that was September, and I probably had a few on New Year's Eve . . . OK I counted wrong.

Hojo said...

As I type this I am sipping a Dark Murk Perk, and I must say it's damn good.

I've never been a coffee drinker, and I've always been disgusted any mention of coffee (aside from the occasional Arby's Jamocha Shake)until I went into a localized coffee chain on a trip to Hawaii. My uncle wanted a cigar, and the guy offered us free samples of their iced coffee. After tasting it, I ordered a full serving, and every time I saw one of the chains I had to go in and get another.

Since then I haven't been able to get any because I can't stand to spend over $2 on a bottle of that Starbucks junk.

I am forever grateful. Good job, old bean.

Toyi said...

Hey man Murk, show some respect, at I have had it for you by avoiding my comment that "I had a Margarita last night" which was true and was very tasty.

My statement didn't not applied to you but to people in general. You are more paranoid than Ozzy!

Quote Toyi: "Murk just say the past is dead, people is the one who keeps it alive.

Just go ahead man, that is why we don't have eyes on our back, we were made to look forward."

You addressed the comment to me. So, I'm supposed to assume it's NOT directed at me?

I'm not a smart man, but I know what a direct adress is...

You and I are not speaking. First you give me bad advice that any recovering alcoholic would cringe at, then you say you never meant it for me when it starts with "Murk..." Now I'm paranoid.

Do everyone a favor. Stick to subjects you know, like being a brainwashed, fundamentalist Christian, and keep your mouth SHUT about things you know nothing about like alcohol recovery.

You are smart, but not God. No matter how much you evangelize on His behalf, no one will listen because you are judgemental (news flash: people hate that) and you talk more than you listen.

So, I am going to listen to you, you are going to listen to me, but we are not going to address each other no matter how much we disagree... until we can both figure out what the hell the other is saying.

Toyi said...

Freaking idiot.. make the difference, I was supporting what you said in your post link it FREAKING LATER, SOFT IN YOUR HEAD.

Toyi said...

if people will listen or not... uhmmm do I look like i care? that is not my business... all you know is that Toyi should be the onlyone not posting here because what she says angry people,well don't you preach about tolerance? or is this all about tolerating you and others and don't apply to me? no man certainly I understand that you are a moron and you talk like one.

Toyi said...

go rubb your bad humor in someone elses man, be drinks free and be happy that is what counts at the end.

Toyi said...

and one last thing.... I may not be an alcoholic but I know that things are easier when you have your trust in GOD, because what we can't God can...
I may never been an alcoholic although I have been drunk like heck in the past,but I have been around many and I have witnessed their recovery when they meet God because what men can't God can, easy? I never said is easy but is not impossible just drop your freaking pananoid victimism.
You should be happy and if you really were, you wouldn't be overreading my posts to find things that I never meant, that is a very good way to hurt yourself.

Tainted~Love said...

Congrats Babes!!! Keep You chin high and You'll make it farther than You even thought. My support to You always! ~wicked hugs~

Thanks TL. I appreciate.

Nobody has the guts to try a Light Murk Perk???

Come on people! You don't know what you're missing!

Toyi, I don't preach tolerance. Wrong guy. I preach being non-judgemental. And God has helped me more than you'll ever know because you are not me and you are not God. Sorry, love. You're just not God and you don't know everything about God, Jesus and Religion. In fact, you know nothing about any of those.

Only God knows God.

Only Jesus knows Jesus.

And Religion is a term that describes any system of belief, not just yours. Islam is a religion whether you like it or not. You can't judge them. Only God can. You can be as intolerant as you want, but only God can judge them, not you.

Now, shut up.

Hojo - Hawaii has awesome freakin coffee! It costs a lot of money if you can find Hawaiian beans but I'm sure you could duplicate the drink in your home.

When I used to live in the bay area, there was this little coffee place that made Vietnamese mocha's.....OMFG! They used a Hawaiian blend, hooked it up to the expresso machine, put a quad in, chocolate, milk and then sweetend condensed milk. The knick name was "The Tripper". Best damn $5 iced coffee drink EVER!!! I haven't been able to duplicate the drink in my house yet. :(

Wow....am I coffee snob?

Oh...and as soon as I get some mint, I'll try the Light Murk Perk.

Congrat Murk on the the 9.

Number nine....#9.....num-ber nhyne....

Toyi said...

So, if God was meant to know God why he made Jesus come to earth?
why would he sacrisfice his own son?

Is in your head to say that I will take credit for the souls God saves (I have never say it), saved souls are his.. and has you say "God had helped me more that you have" amen... budy... you had to hear it from someone too maybe not me, maybe that girl at the gas station, or the guy at the corner, maybe when you grew up herd it from your parents, yes that is how it works... and is someone that is not taking credits either..

you know our purpose is to spread his word not to save, you will be really freaking crazy if you think Toyi is here to save souls over the internet (That is not the way is done)yet he gets into my convos because is what I breath, that is all I have to say.

You know who told me God helped me? God Himself. I never had time to listen to anyone human who claimed to understand God.

God either speaks to you and you listen, or he speaks to you and you ignore.

God sent his Son to die for our sins. That does not mean I understand God or Jesus or Religion for that matter. Or even you! I leave that for God, Jesus and you to do.

If your words affect someone and they turn to God, great. But if they don't, you seem to like to judge them or tell them they are wrong. That won't work Hon.

If what you say does nothing to help in God's plan, I'm sure He's got something else in mind.

Fine, preach the Word. I have no problem with that. I do it all the time. Just pull back on the judgement when dealing with people.

If you're like me and just can't shut up and constantly piss people off, then hey... do what I do. Think 'Listen and Watch and keep your mouth closed". Evangelizing and making people even more anti-christian doesn't seem like a great plan.

Just me,

Thank you thank you thank you! Many more days to go but one moment at a time you know?

I wonder if I post my recipe for ginger chicken if I'll have to debate religion in the comments section...

Or will vegitarians judge my imortal soul for eating meat.

Sorry... Murk here. Have to constantly poke at the pokers.

(Not you of course, my great friend)

Toyi said...

I think we just believe differently and will be unable to get to a conclusion, but don't expect me to stop doing what I do, cause is my conviction and my fun...
Just have something clear, I will never say something Intentionaly to make you feel bad, please don't take my coments to core because if something doesn't sound right to you... a good adult will first ask and make sure; not go ahead and curse blindly...
so that is it and I hope you count on what I said about my intentions.

I'm fine with that. I'll try to understand what you mean (listen) and you'll try to understand what I mean (listen). And both of us will will keep quiet before we snap at each other.

We believe the same. We just express differently.

Toyi said...

Okay Peace!

Peace my twin.

Hojo said...

My love for ginger chicken is outweighed only by my distaste for religious and political conflict.

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