Go Green MuthaFuggers!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Compact Flurescent Lights.
Since April, Malach has been gradually replacing all the lights in his home, with compact flourescent lights, both the spiral kind and the globe kind. Yes, they are way more expensive that regular light bulbs, but Wal-Mart has a pretty good deal on them. Three packs for $8 - 9, plus they have a 5 year warranty, and claim to save you up to $40 a year a bulb in costs, in addition reducing your home pollution signature. At this point I have all but 6 lights replaced, the issue I am have with the ones not replaced in finding bulbs that fit inside the fixture.

So, now I can compare my electricy expenditures. Comparing April of '06 to April of '07 there is a difference of 72KWH and May of '06 to May of '07 a differnce of 44 KWH. So for the period of April-May from past 2 years I have saved 116KWH. That is a saving's of almost $14 for that 2 month period. That extrapolated out over the year is almost $84. Now, this is only a 2 month period and I do have some caveats to this. First I live in New England, and my heat expends more electricity than it does gas, so in early spring, I might be using more heat (Example my entire winter of gas expenses was only $720, but my electricity was close to $1300, and yes NStar is a bit over priced, but there is no other option) which is the main difference between April of last year and April of '07. I also have central air, which I rarely use so my electricty somtimes goes up in August. My house has also recently had the windows, roof, siding, and insulation done (2005). Finally, I have been slowly buying the bulbs, basically 1 package per week, so at this point in June, my light bulb project is 95% complete, where in April and May it was anywhere from 0 to 90% complete. I will keep you updated on how this goes, but so far, so good.

Some Plugs.
First, after a ton of requests, and broken links in various softball forums, I have reposted Malach's Slow Pitch Softball Primer here at Third Option Media (TOM). It is located here. I am in the process of redesigning TOM, so there will be a live link there sooner or later.

Also Malach has a new Zazzle Store. He will be putting together some Wand of Wonder products also. In addition you might not be able to see all of Malach products as some are rated PG13 and R and you must register and verify your age to see them.

I am Malach and the Angry Piper is sexy in a lace kilt.


Tainted~Love said...

Already ahead of you in the green department.

I was "green" when "green" wasn't cool! ~giggles~

MALACH-MALACH-MALACH!!!! Guess what Brandon found?!?!?!

It is sooooo cool.....so cool infact that I'm going to post it!!

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