15 year old kid performs surgery

Friday, June 22, 2007

And he doesn't even have a degree or a permit!

His parents made him do it despite the fact that they are both docters.
This is what happens when parents want their children to over perform.

Read the whole story there

I'm sure our young Doogie Howser's parents won't be smiling for long.


Toyi said...

wow that doctor is nuts? was the patient awake? OMG

Christopher said...

They actually filmed it because the Father wanted to get his son into the record book for youngest person to ever perform a c-section.

The woman was given a spinal injection. The boy was given only a scalpel. It was performed in a nursing home. The Father's latest statement says he regrets nothing and the video is not a pornographic video and so should be available to everyone.

I'm absolutely serious.

Yeah, they was going for a world record, give them a break.

Tainted~Love said...

That's crazy! But what else is new!

Toyi said...

^ yeah, the new guy at my office got fired...

Toyi said...

thanks to me.

What did he do? Perform surgery?

Toyi said...

No, but he sinned against God eh eh

I did the filming of the surgery on my way through Tamil Nadu shortly after arriving at Dr. Murugesan maternity ward clinic. His son also performed the necessary surgeries to patch me up.

The least I could do was offer my experience as a director and camera man. I used to make low budget amateur porn movies, but as Dr. Murugesan insists, this was not a pornographic film or exploitation film.

I hired the kid to do the surgery I have scheduled for Malach once my men have him.

Eve said...

Wow that is crazy!

YPG said...

I am ashamed at you Murk (not Awsome! anymore)
You did nothing to stop them and endangered the life of a poor woman who was being used by these people simply because she was ... poor.



Dude. I was at death's door and they saved me. Plus I was pretty doped up at the time and it was the only way to get them to sign my discharge papers AND not reveal my location.

I did what I had to. Blame Malach and Chris. If they hadn't tried to kill me, maybe I would have stopped this surgery... wait. I would not have been there if not for their attempt on my life.

Yeah, you're right. That might have been a fuckup on my part. I could have used Nitrous Oxide tank in there to get them too high to care, killed them and left.

My bad. Won't happen again, Bro.

Forgive? Love? Maybe even take back the 'not awesome' remark?

YPG said...

Well, taking everything into account I guess I could take back the "not Awsome!" part.
But for now you aren't 'Awsome!' either.

Naw, I'm still AWESOME. Sorry. It's just how it is. I fucked up in India. I'd do it diferently. I has heavily drugged.

I admit I was wrong. Therefore, I am still AWESOME. Your opinion on the matter may not reflect well with the others. Go ahead and make a post and put it to a vote, chickenshit.

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