What were you arrested for?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I thought this was funny...so I tried it. *insert evil laugh here*

In quotes, on google, put your first name with "was arrested for" and hit enter.

Here is the list:

Just Me was arrested for:
possession of two ecstasy tablets (why?)
the murder of Ben Warren (who?)
welfare fraud (not even close)
not having an escort permit or a business license (Oh...uhm...yeah...my brothel)
DUI (but I don't drink!)
her husband's murder (what?!?!?!)
punching a girl in the face (That's a long story......)

Wow.....I had no idea I was so criminal!!



Hojo said...

I have a clean record. That means all that money I spent was well worth it.

I really don't come up with anything either.

Tainted~Love said...

Me either! *giggles*

Shimmer, I can understand but Mal and Hojo? Come on now! I ran Mal's real name last night and came up with 4 pages.....

Hojo said...

I know people. They keep my trail clean. They also cut off the noses of those snooping down that nonexistent trail, capiche?

Are you talkin' to me? Are YOU...talkin' to ME?? Listen here tough guy, ain't no pizzano gonna talk to me like dat, uh? You capiche? Sheesh...*%$%^$ kids tink dey run da place deese days....

Let my guys call yur guys and we'll see 'bout all dat.

Toyi said...

nothing comes up with my name... besides Toyi-Toying bla!

I am unclear on the direction do I type it into google like this:

Malach was arrested for

"Malach" was arrested for

"Malach was arrested for"

Malach "was arrested for"

"(First REAL name) was arrested for".....

So..."Michelle was arrested for" would be mine. And if anyone snitches, I'll cut their tongue out!

Ahh so here we go:

was arrested for ignoring a police officer’s instructions to explain what he was doing (Damn Pigs_

was arrested for playing the bongos in his house while he was naked. (ahh Matthew Fuggin' McConahey)

was arrested for his politically maladroit actions and sent back to Dublin. (Damn Irish)

was arrested for the alcohol-related offense while driving again with teenagers (No Comment)

was arrested for their murder and his wife was charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice (She deserved it)

was arrested for Criminal Mischief DV and Interfering with the report of a DV and remanded to MSPT on no bail. (That was before the murder)

Toyi said...
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Toyi said...

I was arrested for intoxication o-0

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