Abraham and Isaac

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Biblical story where God asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac is known to many of us. If you don't know it, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only Son Isaac.

Abraham agree.

The Bible gives no indication that Abraham hesitated or questioned. He blindly led his son up a scared hill. He told the boy to gather wood. When Isaac asked where the sacrifice was, Abraham told him God would provide. Just before stabbing Isaac through the heart and burning him, God told Anbaham he was just busting his balls and to sacrifice this nearby ram instead.

Here's a novel concept. Abraham questioned the shit out of this. Oh sure, the Bible doesn't say it because we're supposed to believe he blindly followed God. But God told him afterword that he was just testing him. What kind of a test would this be if Abraham did not suffer horrendously and still choose to do what God asked? Naw, he just did it. That's like testing your strenght by holding a pebble.

Abraham sturggled and faultered to the point of lying to his son. Abraham questioned his God the same way we do when we have tragedies. But, he kept his faith and did what he thought he needed to do to keep his faith and his promise.

Have you ditched a friend lately over a small matter? Wow. You pass the pebble test.


I killed you cat, God told me too.

Christopher said...

Good luck to you, Malach.

Uhm....alrighty then. You need help. Have you been debating with Dr. Mantodea again?

Toyi said...

you forgot an important fact, God spoke to Abraham way before Isaac was born and told him he will be able to procreate on his elderly days, When God asked Abraham to deliver his son to him, Abraham may have hesitated for his own attachment to his son.
I don't doubt that Abraham may question why, but there are always 2 attitudes when you ask things,
1- asking for you want to understand &
2- asking because you want to sustain your foolness.
So in order to have God's response acording to bible, you need to have a humbled heart because those are the ones God listens to.

Or you could just worship the Mooninites

Toyi said...

or follow the Mormons testament

Or the Scientologists

Christopher said...

Point for the dense....

We all question and many give up when a task is too hard.

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