Hojo's Houseguest

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Several years ago when we initially moved into our current house, the dogs were deeply unsettled by something. They'd often stand in the hallway barking at what was seemingly nothing. Of course these incidents were odd, but any living organism living with, near, or in my can't exactly be stable. Not to mention the fact that I was 7 or 8, so it's not like I had the mind to care.

A few years after that I was sitting on the couch watching TV late one evening when I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I glanced toward the doorway leading into the hall when I saw a shadow moving on the wall as if someone had just walked past the door. As it was late at night and I heard no doors open, I decided to see what was up. A brief walk among the family bedrooms gave me no evidence; no one was awake. I polled the family the next morning to find that while my sister had slept all night and had no explanation for the occurrence, my mom and dad were more helpful.

"Oh, that's just the ghost," my mom said.
"Ghost?" I inquired.
"Yeah. When we first moved in the dogs were often unsettled by something beyond our senses, and your dad and I were seeing movement that had no source."

Since then I have had odd happenings during the nights. I am usually on the computer late at night on the weekends, and on most nights I can feel an uncomfortable presence behind me, such as one that exists when someone is staring at me. Something seems to be blocking my immediate rear, as I can no longer hear that ambient "house noise" from directly behind me. My glances behind me yield no results, yet the presence is still there. I believe the ghost decides to pay me a visit every now and again.

Last night was a similar story. My family had gone to bed except for my sister who happened to be in her room. I sat down on the couch once again to find movement catching my eye. I looked up to see the same shadow from years ago retreating to the side of the door frame. And of course as years before I investigated. I walked into my sister's room to find her laying on the bed.

"Were you just walking down the hall about, say, ten seconds ago?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"Nope, I've been in bed for about five minutes."
"Hmm, the ghost is back." I observed.

So yes, several separate encounters spanning a number of years have caused me to conclude that my house has a ghost. While my sister was so freaked out by this in addition to the previous stories that she decided to sleep in my mother's room last night, I was more incredulous than startled. I decided to give it some analysis.

I opted not to take a definite stance on the issue at first. After all, having never actually conversed with a ghost, it safe to say that everything one thinks about when asked about ghosts is a stereotype. It would be unfair, ghastly even (ha!), for me to make wild assumptions. Despite his or her plane of current existence, this ghost was still an entity and still worthy of my respect, so I refused to apply the usual prejudice.

There are some who believe in ghosts and other who don't. Personally, while I am against the aforementioned stereotype of movie ghosts, we honestly don't know whether or not there are spirits with unfinished business on Earth. Perhaps it is an ancestor, a guardian angel of sorts, looking after my family. Maybe there's some weird blood pact that my mom made during a keg party in college, and this is the result now that the other participant had died. There also begs the possibility of the Holy Spirit manifesting itself in cognizable form, possibly to force me into this analysis. The truth is, I'll never know, but that won't stop me from asking.

Naturally, I had many questions. For instance, how does one become a ghost? Is the word "ghost" offensive to such wandering entities, akin to words such as "midget" or "Indian?" Was he or she ever alive, and if then, human? If and when he or she died, did he or she face judgment in the Kingdom of Heaven? Could I then use that as proof of the existence of such?

It is obvious that our guest is not here with malevolent intent, as he or she has been in this house as long or longer than we have, and my family has been fine for just as long. To tell the honest truth, I actually feel really good about having a spirit in the house. For one, it's no secret that I loathe humanity and those who are cursed with it, so having an ethereal being to call a roommate and almost a friend is a blessing for me. Also, there's some solace in the idea that during any given time of the night there is someone in my house who is awake. My "friend" may or may not be able to do anything about intruders, but the comfort is still there.

When I told my dad about my experience this morning, he told me that he was suddenly and inexplicably awakened at or around the time I saw my friend (11:30 pm Central on Tuesday, January 9, 2007). This bolsters my story a little more effectively, but that the phantasm appeared to me and then possibly woke my father up begs even more questions. However, like it or not, I have quite the fascinating roommate and night time company.


Hojo said...

I really hate Blogger's lack of an "indent" feature. I kept having to edit the post trying to find a way to make it work, but in the end I had to go for the good ol' double-space.

Shit, no more Astral Peeping for Malach.

Hojo said...

I KNEW it! May I suggest clairvoyance?

Toyi said...

I wouldn't think is something good, when people die they go to rest and their souls don't stay, I wouldn't think is some good spirit either, because if you have accepted the Lord in your heart long ago... the Holy spirit lives inside you. But yes I do know that there is one person that commands legions "demons" to camp around you and see your moves and try to mislead you or make you believe in other things.

I suggest if you truly wants it to go away.... to speak to it with authority (Not your authority, but the one you had been given by your God) and that will take care of it... but if you don't mind wandering around you.. then leave it alone... but don't go by it as something great.

Hojo said...

This is what you have been told. The truth is no one knows. As much as I just loved having a sermon thrown at me, I'd really rather this thing be something awesome.

Toyi said...
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Toyi said...

Hey this is actually good for a debate .. MALACH!!!!!

Here my point Hojo, well I am not trying to make you come to my thinking but let me expose this cause I just got exited... on the different way to view things (specially this one)

I was not told, it is in the bible the book I believe, and is where I am nailing my comment, I don't tend to contradict myself in something so easy to figure, most of all believe that nature has its authorities,no tree is a tree before being a seed and if I believe (for a fact) that God is my authority and that he punished men to be born and die, why would I believe that a man soul is just wondering w/o authority in the world, (is not about unfinied stuff on earth, you were born and you died because that is the way God set it.. and you are done, what you didn't do alive you won't do later against God will or word), in the other hand, when Satan & some angels revealed against God, God kicked them out of heaven and let them wander on earth as part of the men punisment, well those are called demons, and they didn't lose their nature, they are still inmortal and they wander in pain because there is no salvation for them, they can't do much more, I am not personally here to give value to wandering souls, having simpazy for them will not make me gain heaven, God never told me to do good to ghosts or to listen to them, they are done... DO YOU HEAR ME?? DONE????

lol Hojo don't take me seriously, I am just trying to make a big deal out of this unimportant issue... is just cool to talk about, because as you could be seen as ridiculous, I also could lol

Uhm.....according to some paranormal experts....not the ones that run in toyi's circle....there is this phenom called paranomral reoccurance. In other words, the "energy" of the past relives itself in that same spot. The causes are unknown however, it has been proven scientifically to exist....to an extent.

I watch Ghosthunters. *laughs*

My question to Toyi is...if God condemned man to live and die without it's soul to have the ability to roam, how did Jesus travel after His death? How is it that the spirit of the virgin Mary has been seen since her rise into Heaven? Who is to say that those sightings weren't ghostly in nature? The Holy spirit IS A SPIRIT that does not have form....per GOD! Angles have been seen and yet they do not have a physical body. What about people who see their loved ones after they have passed away? Are they the sightings of evil? Or a gentle reminder that we are never really alone? Who are we to say that there isn't a good entity....traveling among the (so-called) evil?

Next thing I know, you'll tell me that babies don't go to Heaven because they haven't accepted Jesus as their personal savior, right?

To some....a ghostly presence is either a curse or a blessing. To others, it's just another day in the neighborhood (some of you know what I mean).

In short, enjoy your ghosts Hojo....there are two of them.

Toyi said...

how did Jesus travel after His death? Jesus is the son of God sweety... well there is one place were souls are held (not wandering) and is called Hades in other part of the bible.

you shouldn't have more questions after reading this one...if so, then is a bout believing, not proving it

1 Peter 3:18---21

18For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit, 19through whom[d] also he went and preached to the spirits in prison 20who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge[e] of a good conscience toward God.

About Mary, uhmmmm lot of things have been say, honestly you are the 1st person i hear that says Virgin Maria became a ghost, usually I hear Catholics that Mary was lift in body to heavens, but nothing of this is in the Bible, the last & red in the Bible is that Jesus before dying in the Cross left Maria with one of his disciples to care for her (as his mother) and that Maria remained with the disciples, then Bible never speak about her death or anything.

Next thing I know, you'll tell me that babies don't go to Heaven because they haven't accepted Jesus as their personal savior, right?
Children are from Jesus sweety, "Let the children come to me"

Yeah Hojo enjoy your ghost, care for him like you care for others lol

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