- His drag name is Lady Boobs Von Touchmyhole.
- In the Vegan world, he is what's known as a "Bean Freak."
- Hobbs has killed and... he will kill again.
- In his college days, his seriously annoying catch phrase was "Huzzah-Bam Da' Bam-Bam!"
He was once considered a rising star in the music retail business until he was caught mastubating to Sonic Youth album covers in the employee break room at the Boston, MA Tower Records Store (this subsequently led to the complete shut down of that branch.)
- His favorite car is the classic and rare 1986 Mercury Topaz Diesel Edition in canary yellow with bitchin' flame decals, purple undercarriage neon, illuminated dual exhaust pipes and chrome low rider wheels.
- Hobbs will always have a special place in his heart for green HAZMAT suits (and you do not want to know why.)
- If Massachusetts enforces an anti gay-marriage law, he is planning on performing a self-immolation ritual suicide with his long time lover The Angry Veteran. Yes. They love each other that much.
- He dyes his hair red. His natural color is dirty blonde.
- His personal business cards list his title as "Rocker Slut."
BONUS FACT: This is Hobb's adopted brother, Bill "Pickles" McGurk. And this is his friend and mentor Richie "Spitz" Hazmasso.
I feel better now that I have gotten all of that off my chest.
Wow, so little for someone of his advanced age.
actually, my favorite car is a 1965 dodge dart station wagon. for some reason, it reminds me of Dr. Mantodea.
go shave your head and fly a kite
cap'n, email me when you get a chance
i can't find your address
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