The New National Socialist Agenda

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Okay, kids. It's time for all of you liberal hacks to fess up. You want social programs to help the elderly, the sick, the immigrants, the mentally disabled, the drug addicts and education. You are willing to fork over 28% or more of your annual salary. That's $28 for every hundred you earn.

Let's say you earn $1000 a month. Small potatoes for some. $280 goes right to governemnt programs you have no control over. This is a government who skims every dollar they can from social programs. This is a government that pays full salaries to congressmen who retire or even resign. This is a government who is on the take from big business and lobbyists for special interests. This is a governemnt who cannot pass simple legislation without tacking on pork barrel money for pet projects. This is a government that paid $1000 for a toilet seat on Air Force One.

Blame Bush, right? Okay, he sucks. But he is notorious for stripping federal socialist programs. This sounds bad and inhumane. I agree.

Now look in your checkbook or bank account. What percentage of your annual salary do you donate to charities? How many checks have you written to centers for Autism? When's the last time you visited a retirement home to cheer up our elder citizens who have little else to look forward to in life? Have you stopped driving gas powered cars to save the environment?



Whether you are Democrat or Republican, you do too little to help those in need besides blindly hand off a portion of your salary to a corrupt institution. Does that make you feel like a humanitarian? How much of your taxes actually makes it to our schools and social programs? Look. That's your responsibility as a human being, not something that should be mandated by an insiduous government collection agency who bankrupts the very people the collect money to help.

Hey, elect who you want and justify your inflated sense of self worth by giving handouts to our leaders and let them decide. It's clean. No dirty work for you. It's the Bush administration's fault, right?

Did you donate to the victims of hurricane Katrina? Did you give money to the victims of September 11th, 2001?

I did. I gave money and time on top of my illegal and unconstitutional taxation. I worked with the Red Cross when they flew people into Rhode Island when they had nowhere to live after New Orleans went down. What did you do? I gave what I could to 9/11 families. I donate to breast cancer research. I sacrificed an $80,000 a year job to work with inner city kids for $14,000.

I am that heartless Republican you bash. I hope your high horse is comfortable.

I put my time, my money and my words into causes that bring hope. I don't write blank checks to the government and feel all satisfied when Pelosi works for 100 hours and pushes through weak legislation about non issues.

Some of your views are fucked up. CNN will tell you you did the right thing. Sleep well knowing that Sen. Kennedy got his new flat screen TV and someone is still waiting for their house to be rebuilt in New Orleans.

Blame Bush. Don't you dare look in the mirror and even consider the luxuries you bought yourself. You've done enough. You've overpaid a conglomerate to equitably line their pockets and whine on TV.

For God's sake, don't ever blame yourself. You did exactly what they asked you to do. Sit down, shut up and hand over the cash.

America is no longer the land of opportunity. It is the land of greed and hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle. Stand up for the Old America and bring back our National Image. Start with yourself. Fuck voting. Money is the language of the American Governemnt now. State in no uncertain terms what you want to tell them:

"I support my fellow Americans by willingly giving my time, energy and money to those who can actually use it."

Fuck you Mr. President. Fuck you Madame Speaker. Fuck you Supreme Court.

My loyalties lie with my underpriviledged Brothers and Sisters, not with your money printing scam.

My advice...

Get off the Grid.

The following diatribe does not condone violent revolution in any way. Real change is gradual, peaceful and begins with individual efforts to rpomote a healthy society. This message was approved by the YMMA.


I got my Molotov Cocktails ready!

Here Here!

Does YMMA stand for YUMMAY!

Toyi said...

CLAPS CLAPS, SOOOO are we walking to our jobs tomorrow?

Christopher said...

You are, you street walker!

You just called the Piper's gal a hooker

Hojo said...

At least this time the Piper's gal doesn't charge extra for him to call her that. I was reading this, I thought to myself, "What is Malach so p*ssed off about?"

BUT You?? That rant was from you, Dr. Murk?!??!

You done barked up the wrong liberal tree, bitch!

I housed homeless from New Orleans, I donate to breast cancer research, I have established a blood donation drive for this month at my place of employment, I have an aunt dying of ovarian cancer (I need not donate my time to any other dying individual at this time), I support the homeless by offering them food-not cash, I drive a low-emmission-fuel-efficient foreign fucking car and I'm damn proud to be a tree hugger! I counsel victims of rape and am a spiritual advisor to other victims!! I DO NOT SUPPORT SOCIALIST POLICIES IN THE U.S.! If I wanted socialism, I'd be in France where a socialist society WORKS instead of putting up with the stupidity here!

OH! And it's not our fault you quit your job to be your own personal hero!

So bite that. :P

Toyi said...

"You are, you street walker!"

In my very inside, I

Christopher said...

I quit my job to do the right thing.

JM, I'm not preaching to you. You know that. I'm preaching to the self righteous liberal robots who back social agenda through writing a blank check to the government.

Don't take lumps for those who make you look bad. Make them understand they are serving the almighty dollar.

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