From the Angry Veteran

Monday, January 15, 2007

I have been asked to post this for the Angry Veteran:

Dear Friend,

You all know my long standing tradition to bash the Bush administration on national holidays. Unfortunately, thanks to the Bush administration and their racist agenda, MLK day is not a national holiday. Mr. Bush is a coke addle racist. I hate him. I hate him. He' so dumb. Listen to how dumb he is!

MLK worked tirelessly for civil rights. George Bush doesn't think before he speaks. He's so stupid. I hate him. Rumsfeld is out! HA HA! We finally have a democratic congress. Now we'll see some real change.

God doesn't exist. Faith is stupid. MLK would agree with this. We shall overcome... without a stupid faith based agenda popped on us by Bush and Cheney and Rice and other poo poo patriotic idiots who love God and killed MLK.

Dr. Mantodea agrees. Why can't we go back to the days of pure science, sodomy and Bill Clinton? Sodomy, folks! God sucks and faith is stupid. Malach agrees too and he's an authority on God. He knows exactly how futile belief in a divine being is. Man is God. Bush is dumb. MLK is dead.

I am the Angry Veteran. And I see a whole army of my countrymen ready to fight for freedom. Let gays get married. Freedom. I hate Bush. I love communism. I spit on the cross, the flag and MLK. I am anti-rich people. Rich people suck. I hate MLK. I hate God and I want my mommy.

The End.


That figures.

Did any of you notice, AV blog went the way of the TUB?

Christopher said...


Oh, war in Somalia must have him relocating again.

Toyi said...

I Love God, I love MLK & al am also supposed to love idiots, that is the hard part... but not impossible.


Christopher said...

I love lamp.

Bob, are you just looking around the room at random objects and saying you love them?

Toyi said...

^ well everything is made with love even you were (I guess), or I am been lied to my entire life??????

Christopher said...

I love LAMP! i love lamp...

Hojo said...

I don't know what we're yelling about!

Toyi said...

^ Yelling? we are not yelling we are singing.

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