Well, There Goes Our Perfect Fundamentalist Christian State

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thanks to the Spendocrats and their big gay agenda, our perfect Christian unity is ruined forever. Our hopes of a supreme theocracy based on war and oil is ruined. You idiot liberal voters. Do you know what you've done? You've handed the keys to the kingdom to a bunch of acid dropping, free love, no moral having hippies. Good luck to you.

Hey, you all want to live in France, now you can. I should have known when they gave us that big statue in NY Harbor that the French would undermine us. Enjoy your ennui and your subtitled movies and picture books filled with bullwhips up people's asses. Go march in your lesbian parade for immigrants with mental illnesses. Free all the rapists and unlock your doors, America!!! It's a liberal ho-down and we'll all dance to Satan's sweet sweet music while our paychecks shrink to save the albino liver skunks.

The good news is:

Two years of a liberal congress drifting willy nilly and getting nothing done will practically ensure a conservative victory in 2008.

Enjoy your deviant orgy of sex in any position on the streets in broad daylight. Oh, and sell your stock in tissue companies because now all the Democratic Diaper Babies have nothing to cry about except for their own failures, which they will never aknowledge.

Now, we can look forward to a speedy withdrawal from Iraq and a swift and brilliant terrorist strike when we let down the drawbridge into our castle of freedom. When the paint starts peeling on your door, don't call me... I'll be somewhere high in the mountains with guns, Jesus and lost of food and cash.

I hope you all live long enough to regret your push for Pansy Power.


I love it when conservatives cry

Christopher said...

Who's crying? I'm just making predictions.

The Democrats have an opportunity here, and I hope they don't blow it. The republican party has two distinct wings, the southern theocratic and the western fiscal conservative/libertarian. If the Democrats can show fiscal responsibility and take the opportunity to govern rather than settle old scores, I think the 2008 election could begin the slow erosion of the western republican wing into the Democratic fold.

We will have to wait and see.

And pelase, if we have learnied anything in this election cycle, it's that theocrats have the most disturbed sexuality.

And I think the label "conservative" is being used too broadly. There are religious conservatives who I think are more properly referred to as theocrats and fiscal conservatives who are more appropriately referred to as, um, fiscal conservatives?

Christopher said...

One nation UNDER GOD commie!!!!

God rules. No, literally. Resistance is futile.

I've got the G O D in me!!!!

Congress is not God.

Bush... sort of. Like a shiny, new, silly, coked up Jesus just waiting for you to hug him.

Stop spending and get praying, pinko!

Well, you are right in that the Democrats need to stop the spending of the last 6 years and get our financial house in order.

And, hopefully, prayer can return to being a means of personal communication with and reflection on God instead of a political platform.

The Angry Piper said...

I know you're 100% serious, Murk.

Christopher said...

Thank God, Piper. Thank GOD!

Toyi said...

Oh That is why I don't vote, I think everybody in politics have their ass backwards...

Liberals support minorities but support crazy stuff

Conservatives are more sensitive about certain society issues but they carry guns in their homes and support death penalty...

oh no no I just can't find the perfect one so why care for voting, we are doomed anyways.

Anything to help facilitate the end of the world is ok by me!

You could be a member of the Rainbow Party!

Toyi said...

or member of the PDC Party from ES...


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