Realist Democrats

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I think I may have found a political home with some of the new moderate Democrats who were just elected. It's certainly too early to tell yet. I consider myself a fiscal conservative and a social progressive, so I've never really felt at home in either party. The current administration has pushed me even further away from the Republican party as it morphed into both extremely fiscally reckless and socially conservative to the point of dogmatic.

Can the new Congress prove themselves to be Realist Democrats? Can they begin to undo the fiscal damage of the Bush administration? Can they find a bipartisan way out of Iraq? Can they begin to actually govern?

I hope so. I hope that we do not begin a cycle of "getting even" or "settling old scores" with the Administration and the Republican theocratic wing. I hope that we build alliances with the Republican fiscal conservative/individual libertarian wing and get this country back on course. We need responsible adults to work for us in D.C. - I hope the new crop of Realist Democrats is up to the job.

Good luck to us all.


Wow, I remember the Vet being a hardcore conservative, then switch to ultra liberal, now a fence sitter?

I've never been a fence sitter. I'm a fiscal conservative and a social progressive, so neither party has really ever held a place for me.

That might be my new WoW shirt, Fence Sitting Moderate!

I say we turn over absolute power to the illegal immigrants.

Tainted~Love said...

or turn it over to the Helpful Critic ...

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