Anansi Boys, a review.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Anansi Boys.
I have just finished reading Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys and like all of Gaiman's stuff, very well done. Don't get me wrong it is not Gaiman's best stuff, but even average Gaiman is better than much of the fantasy fiction that pervades the market. Anansi Boys is not a sequel, it is more of a companion to American Gods, and much less epic than Gods was. It stars the sons of Mr. Nancy, from American Gods, tow sons who are unaware of each other existence.

Anansi Boys is the story of "Fat Charlie" Nancy, a man whose ordinary life takes a weird, frightening, and often comic turn after his father suffers a fatal heart attack in a karaoke bar. At his father's funeral, Charlie learns that the late Mr. Nancy was actually an incarnation of the West African spider god Anansi, and that Anansi had two sons.

Charlie long lost charismatic brother, Spider ended up with his father's supernatural powers, ends up on Charlies doorstep, and then complicates the life of Charlie. The two brothers then become involved in a very entertaining, slighly comedic, and definitely supernatural adventure that gos from London to Florida to the Carribean.

Characters are extremely well developed (which is a strength of Gaiman's writing) and you will enjoy both the Nancy boys, the primitive Gods, and the main antagonist. The plot is well thought out, even though the "twist" is predictable in the first third of the book. If you enjoyed American Gods, you will also enjoy this. Again, not as well done as Gods, but still a very enjoyable read.

Gaiman describes the book as "funny, scary, romantic comedy, thriller about Gods and the Supernatural and the power of stories and so on. I guess it's about how to survive families". Like usual, it helps alot.

Join the Statzi Party.
Ahh, searchphrases. We've had some good ones the past couple of day.

silly mayo: Answer me this, is there any kind of other mayonaise, but silly mayonaise?
wolverine anit-semetic: Of course, he anti-human
crazy sniper rifle of ganesh bullet velocity: AutoC or YPG are gonna have to explain this one to me . . . SLICK CLICK CRACK! "Thank you please come again"
extending wand for wiping: Dude did you ever find one? That would be so cool.
making homemade loincloths: What is the mental capacity if someone looking for instruction ot make a loincloth?
classfied with ads new posted used bike for sale in spain: Yeah, $15,000 American dollars.

John Kerry.
This mystifies me. Personal I am not a John Kerry Fan. But answer me this. Why is it that the Republican Right attacks and idiotic comment made by the man about the War in Iraq (be honest, how accurate is that comment?). It is the same thing that happened to Clinton, the man had an affair and you impeach him? This coutries values are really screwed up. There are much more impotant issues going on right now, open your eyes.

I am Malach, and want to kiss you


The Angry Piper said...

Hey, thanks bunches for reviewing this book on the WoW and not submitting it to

PS: Die.

You could reprint it for Angry, be my guest.

Hojo said...

The main ingredients for a loin cloth:
1. Loin, preferrably your own or Piper's
2. Cloth.

Hojo is a happy helper.

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