Give Thanksgiving a Rest

Friday, November 24, 2006

I hate Thanksgiving. I don't even get the premise. Why should we celebrate the whites invading America and the beginning of the end of Native American culture? Isn't it pretty symbolic that we overeat the food that they gave us in the same way that we took advantage of their gift of land? Those poor Native Americans on their reservations have to sit idly by as we completely miss the meaning behind Thanksgiving.

Don't get me wrong, I love turkey, stuffing, potato salad, and sweet potato casserole...once! The following days are murder because we overeat on Thanksgiving. For the next whole week it looks like Thanksgiving sandwiches three times a day. I hate the American participation in cultural events and I hate that I have to digest whatever the heck is in stuffing for the next week.

So happy day-after, WoWees, and pass the mustard.


Christopher said...

Fuck You food hater.

Thanksgiving rocks!!!

Fuck the Native Americans.

Fuck Fuck Fuck.

The one day we get a decent meal, and you have to smash it up.

I'm on a reduced calorie diet and I WANT one day to over eat by government mandate.

Have a fucking blanket of smallpox, you piece of dogshit.

I hate Turkey Day also.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't know, I can feel where he's coming from. America does overdo everything. Right now we are in a race for resources in the world but we continue to do a myriad of pointless energy, time, and resource wasting things. The world is going to run out of these precious things on day and when that day comes it is going to be absolute chaos.

Christopher said...

Oh, go eat some tofu and light some fucking incence, Buddha. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

I swear to GOD. There's a Holiday about family and being thankful and eating a good meal to celebrate how fortunate we are and some namby pamby shitholes have to say "There are starving people around the world that would gladly eat the trash from our garbage! We're jerks!"

Grow up.

You are all the same people who buy groceries, toys and products from multinational companies that basically employ slave labor to produce their merchandise and you FINALLY give a shit when someone throws out a helping of mashed potatoes or gets up for seconds of turkey?

So we had to yank a few bones out of the Native American noses to get what we wanted. Shut up. Go ruin someone else's holiday. Go pull that shit in Iran. Go tell the Ayatollah that Ramadan sucks and see what you get.

Ungrateful, over-educated, cloud headed liberal drivel. You were all given too much priviledge and power as children and now think you have the right to tell everyone else how to live as if you are superior because you have FEELINGS for the environment. Fuck you, fuck your feelings and I am going to have a THIRD Thanksgiving meal now where I throw the whole meal out after two bites.

Christopher said...


I hate the stuffing your face part, plus I am not a fan of turkey in general

Christopher said...

Then, ummmm. DON'T STUFF YOUR FACE!!!! But don't hate on the day, hate on the Angry Veteran.

Hojo said...

I'll second the above statement. Angry Veteran is at fault.

I can't help but stuff my face . . . PIE!

Christopher said...

Mrs. Dr. Murk made the first 'stealth apple pie'. It's virtually undetectable until it's right in your mouth. Piper is SOOOOO dead!

Toyi said...

oh yeah if you celebrate Halloween, why not Thanksgiving...

it was soooo funny that my niece school had an entire day for crap dressing on Halloween but they don't celebrate Thanks giving... GO AWAY EDUCATED SATAN!!!!

No kidding, like people didn't have anything to give thanks for.

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